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Results for «war»

War Machines - S01 E06 - Total Destruction

50m 07s

Since the turn of the 20th century, technology has developed exponentially... along with mankind's ability to kill on a devastating scale. Be they robotic, chemical, atomic, or nuclear, these are the ultimate killing machines showcased as they appeared throughout the last century in the final episode of the series. From chemicals so horrific their use in war today is banned to the most destructive weapons ever employed in combat… and those that thankfully have not.

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The Battle of Britain

51m 27s

By the end of June 1940 Britain stood alone in the war against Nazi Germany. Ahead lay a long hot summer as a battle for national survival was fought in the skies over Britain in full view of the population. Not only did Britain’s fate depend on the outcome of the battle but also the freedom of the rest of Europe and, ultimately, the outcome of the Second World War. Today the Battle of Britain stands as one of the pivotal moments in Britain’s long history

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History of Tanks

51m 22s

Documenting the changing face of tank warfare over the past 100 years, this fascinating documentary is not to be missed by those with an interest in military history and weapon development.

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Great British Aircraft

1h 09m 27s

Britain has always played a very important role in the aeronautic industry, from Sir George Cayley who designed the first actual model of an aeroplane to Sir Frank Whittle who is credited with single handedly inventing the turbojet engine.

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Monsieur Mayonnaise

58m 01s

Australian artist and film-maker, Philippe Mora, investigates his father’s clandestine role in the French Résistance in WWII and his mother’s miraculous escape en route to Auschwitz. Philippe, a Hollywood cult-horror movie director and pop-artist, adopts a Film Noir persona to tell his family’s story.

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Highwaymen, Pirates and Rogues Episode 1

59m 22s

In the 17th century, as the smoke cleared from the battlefields of the civil war, the first celebrity criminals emerged. Mounted soldiers from the losing royalist armies turned to a life of crime on the roads, becoming the horseback robbers known as Highwaymen. They brought with them their weaponry, their horseback skills - and their politics. Most notorious of all was "Captain" James Hind.

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46m 28s

On the 8th June 1982, at the height of the Falklands War, 53 men lost their lives and hundreds were injured in Argentine air attacks on British ships Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram. 32 of those men were Welsh Guards - some of them no more than boys.

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Controversial History

1h 05m 23s

Looking for truth through accounts and memories of the three main characters of WWII events that diverge between Jews, Latvians and Russians.

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Abilene Town

1h 28m 47s

In the years following the Civil War, the town of Abilene, Kansas is poised on the brink of an explosive confrontation. A line has been drawn down the center of the town where the homesteaders and the cattlemen have come to a very uneasy truce.

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A Walk in the Sun

1h 56m 50s

During WWII, a platoon of American soldiers trudge through the Italian countryside in search of a bridge they have been ordered to blow up, encountering danger and destruction along the way.

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A Farewell to Arms

1h 15m 07s

An American serving in WW1 falls in love with a very spirited nurse. On the Italy-Austrian front of World War I, Lt. Frederic Henry (Gary Cooper) is serving as an ambulance driver in the Italian army when he meets British nurse Catherine Barkley (Helen Hayes). He is a later wounded during an artillery barrage and is brought to a hospital in Milan where Barkley is assigned. They fall in love; their relationship is blessed post-facto by an Italian army chaplain.

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War Matters

50m 08s

War Matters is a character driven documentary by London based production company CY Film Productions. The film chronicles 10 years of anti-war protest in the city of London through the story of Brian Haw, a veteran peace campaigner who challenged the UK Government's Middle East policy for over 10 years. The documentary also examines the British arms trade and the repercussions of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars around the world.

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Black Sunday

42m 08s

A detailed report of the Holocaust in Romania. During World War II, two trains were loaded with Jews. Where they will be taken? To their deaths. Four survivors of Romanian Holocaust tell us what happened in Iasi during the Pogrom, a horror which took place on June 29, 1941. Over 13,000 people died in that single day, a day which has become known as Black Sunday in remembrance of those who lost their lives.

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