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Results for «road»

Cerulean Blue

1h 12m

An introvert's urgent road trip to reclaim his lost love is derailed when he meets a free-spirited woman who challenges all of his ideals

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Henry Hudson

6m 59s

Henry Hudson was an English sea explorer and navigator in the early 17th century. Hudson made two attempts on behalf of English merchants to find a prospective Northwest Passage to Cathay via a route above the Arctic Circle. In 1609, he embarked on a third voyage funded by the Dutch East India Company that took him to the New World and the river that would be given his name. On his fourth voyage, Hudson came upon the body of water that would later be called the Hudson Bay.

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Turning Up The Heat

42m 52s

Things get ugly when new guy Dave meets alpha metal man, Jay. The Guild’s car whisperer Larry Hughes makes a client’s lifelong dream come true when a 1972 GTX Roadrunner shows up at the shop. Owner David meets Rocketman and goes for a jet-fueled ride before duking it out at an auction on a one-of-a-kind Swiss car.

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Going South

43m 29s

When owner David Grainger invites Paul to an elite car auction in the United States, Paul is plagued with passport issues. A 1959 Caddy with more problems than anticipated rolls in with a looming deadline and The Guild discovers some new clients have been duped into buying a disaster on wheels.

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Arctic Quest

56m 30s

Polar Adventurer Geoff Wilson plans to kite-ski the entire 2,200km length of the Greenland ice sheet. He’s expecting sub-zero blizzards, hidden mile-deep crevasses and predatory polar bears, but Geoff’s biggest challenge will be his partner: he’s bringing along a rookie – his son-in-law, Simon.

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Penny Black

1h 23m

Self-centered twenty-something Penny Black (Astra McLaren) travels around New Zealand in an attempt to save her job and opulent lifestyle. Along the way she meets a guy name Guy (Anton Tennet); who makes her slow down and question the world.

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