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Results for «red wine»

Oil-Power versus EPower: An Industry reinvents itself

44m 14s

The spectacular world tour by a purely solar-powered plane has shown what new energy is capable of. Hot on the heels of the electric car comes the electric aeroplane. Even if Solar Impulse, the company behind the plane, has not yet developed a fully market-ready product, it has demonstrated its feasibility.

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Dissolved: A Game of Truth

1h 10m

DISSOLVED - A new no holds barred game where truth should be told, plagues 4 friends with an already volatile history. But, when one of them takes the game too seriously, honesty will NOT be the best policy.

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The Age of Robots - Bioinspired Robots

52m 08s

Mankind has always looked at nature to solve problems, taking a cue from the solutions that biological systems have refined through natural selection. In this episode we look at a robotic plant that mimics the mechanics of plant roots, and dive underwater to see robots inspired by fish.

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Animal Instinct - Episode 6

24m 13s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating format. A beautiful collection of creatures great and small from across the planet. A relaxing easy to digest series suitable for the entire family - a feast for the eyes and ears. Brilliant images set to emotive music.

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The Legendary Pacific Coast

23m 37s

Greg Grainger visits the famed wine region of Hunter Valley in harvest time, explores the majestic waterways of Port Stephens by kayak, enjoys fresh oysters and fishing on the Great Lakes and has very special experiences with dolphins, seals and turtles.

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Lyon, France

6m 06s

Head for Lyon today, the gastronomic capital of France. Let's discover a delicious cuisine with Carolyne in this beautiful old city.Head for Lyon today, the gastronomic capital of France. Let's discover a delicious cuisine with Carolyne in this beautiful old city.Head for Lyon today, the gastronomic capital of France. Let's discover a delicious cuisine with Carolyne in this beautiful old city.

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