WW2: The Price of Empire Season 1 Episode 4 - Alone
Germany seeks to neutralise the strength of Britain, the only European country still opposing Hitler, from the air.
Germany seeks to neutralise the strength of Britain, the only European country still opposing Hitler, from the air.
War explodes across Western Europe.
The invasion of Poland causes even the most resistant of powers to declare war.
We survey the interwar years, the rise of dictators, Japan’s invasion of China, and the expansion of the Third Reich.
The momentum behind the allies increases as the Red Army begins its remorseless advance that will end in Berlin.
The war turns inexorably in favour of the Allies.
Japan has escalated a War in the East, but has roused the might of the United States.
While the Germans are invading Russia, Japan continues to pervade the East and changes the war with an attack on Pearl Harbour.
The war in Europe is transformed when Hitler unleashes Operation Barbarossa and invades the Soviet Union.
Berlin falls and the war in Europe ends, Okinawa falls with terrible losses, a new weapon ends the war in the east.
The Red Army force troops from Soviet territory, while in Japan, Okinawa comes under threat.
The Allies continue their eastward liberation push, while an irresistible tide is running against the Japanese.
The second front opens in Europe with the D Day landings as the Germans continue to retreat from Russia.
War Matters is a character driven documentary by London based production company CY Film Productions. The film chronicles 10 years of anti-war protest in the city of London through the story of Brian Haw, a veteran peace campaigner who challenged the UK Government's Middle East policy for over 10 years. The documentary also examines the British arms trade and the repercussions of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars around the world.
Nelson Mandela is a shining example of what one man can do to change the world. Born into an oppressive regime, he fought to overcome prejudice and hate to unify a nation. Nelson Mandela's dedication resulted in his inauguration as the first black President of South Africa; his award of the Nobel Peace Prize and ultimately, his role in overthrowing the Apartheid regime.