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Results for «electric aeroplane»

Oil-Power versus EPower: An Industry reinvents itself

44m 14s

The spectacular world tour by a purely solar-powered plane has shown what new energy is capable of. Hot on the heels of the electric car comes the electric aeroplane. Even if Solar Impulse, the company behind the plane, has not yet developed a fully market-ready product, it has demonstrated its feasibility.

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Great British Aircraft

1h 09m

Britain has always played a very important role in the aeronautic industry, from Sir George Cayley who designed the first actual model of an aeroplane to Sir Frank Whittle who is credited with single handedly inventing the turbojet engine.

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Life Off Grid

1h 25m

Off-grid is not a state of mind. It is not about being out of touch, living in a remote place, or turning off your mobile phone. Off-grid simply means living without a connection to the electric and natural gas infrastructure. From 2011 to 2013 Jonathan Taggart (Director) and Phillip Vannini (Producer) spent two years travelling across Canada to find 200 off-gridders and visit them in their homes.

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Sustainable Futures - Transport

23m 57s

The transport sector has long been known as a major source of pollution affecting the air, damaging our health, animal life and the environment. Cars are a major source of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Road transport is responsible for the emission of hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, metals and a variety of organic compounds into the environment. Emissions are higher when there is a concentration of traffic levels.

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