Maybe Tomorrow
After the birth of their first child, Erin and Pat start work on their new film and in the process discover who they are as partners, parents and artists.
After the birth of their first child, Erin and Pat start work on their new film and in the process discover who they are as partners, parents and artists.
Having barely arrived in the desert, Molang, Piu Piu and their friends decide to go on a camel ride. To do that, they will have to mount them…
Molang and Piu Piu are in the countryside. Molang and Piu Piu see a beautiful butterfly. A great hunt is launched, but soon, the hunters become the prey.
Molang's and Piu Piu's friends suggest they go on a bicycle ride, but Piu Piu can't keep up with them. Molang is going to do everything he can to make sure his friend also enjoy the ride.
With their swimming caps on, our two friends load their camper-van with their surfboards and a parasol: they’re ready to go surfing! It doesn't matter if the beach is crowded; Molang and Piu Piu do some freestyle surf figures. But this joyful seaside moment worsens when Molang loses his cap in the water.
Matilda has the power to change the weather every time she sneezes, so she and Charlie have fun making rain, snow and thunder. In one of their pranks - and due to Matilda’s allergy to cats - they raise the temperature to more than 40ºC. This causes water to evaporate, thus jeopardizing Mortimer’s life (as a fish, he will die without water).
Matilda’s power is growing a big antenna from her head. Thanks to it, she and Charlie can tune into all of the TV channels from around the world. They are having fun, but during an electric storm, lightning strikes the antenna. As a result, Matilda’s house is transformed into an electromagnetic field that attracts all of the TVs in town.
Matilda and her friends are camping in the forest. As she enters the forest area where they are camping, Matilda touches a tree and it comes to life. Thanks to her power, trees can talk and Matilda learns their secret: Trees are professional pranksters, as every time we stumble over a root, it’s actually them tripping us.
Matilda wakes up and discovers there is a puppet on her bed. When she puts it in her hand, it comes to life and is able to move and talk. Curlybeard tells Matilda she must help with the household chores, but the Puppet convinces Matilda that children shouldn’t help adults, and should only have fun. The Puppet happens to be a terrible influence for Matilda, who starts to behave as a spoiled girl, disrespecting adults and her own friends.
Matilda is having fun with Charlie, Bob, and Felicia in the forest, when her three friends suddenly decide to leave, leaving her alone. Curious about this act, Matilda starts to follow them and discovers strange behaviors: Charlie hides things in garbage cans, Bob delivers mysterious papers to residents, and Felicia gives money to Chief Astudillo.
Charlie and Matilda manage to get into a theater to watch a PG-13 film. Here, they learn a new, funny bad word. Matilda loves it and starts shouting it out loud so everyone and their friends hear it, leaving them all in a state of shock. Matilda can’t stop, saying the word over and over again, and having lots of fun. Because of her power and having said the bad word so much, Matilda transforms into a pig.
Mortimer from the future takes Matilda to the Paper Port of the future. There, Tropecio Ferguson is the absolute master, because he has the Magical Coconut powers now. He has cut down the whole forest to make elevator buttons, and has the whole town under his control, blindly obeying him.
The summer has come to an end, and Matilda must go back to the Capital, moving away from her friends, especially Charlie. On this last day of vacation, Matilda feels her powers have only gotten her into trouble, and haven’t let her enjoy the summer. Matilda tells Charlie she wishes she had never had these powers, so she could have enjoyed her holidays more.
Matilda and Charlie are watching a detective film, while Curlybeard can’t find Mortimer anywhere. The following day, Matilda’s power transforms everything into a black and white detective film, and Matilda and Charlie are two investigators. They decide to take on the case of Mortimer’s disappearance.
The skateboarder Bobby Jock is going to perform a show, but the tickets are very expensive. To pay for the tickets, Matilda and her friends decide to sell squeezed juices to earn some money. Matilda’s power causes her to inject a certain mood into the juice, depending on the flavor. Whoever drinks the juice will have their mood changed based on the flavor
Every time Charlie is swallowed by a shark at the beach, Matilda’s day starts over. She understands her weird power: The day will start over again and again until she can save Charlie from the shark. While she is willing to take on this task, she fails again and again, and the day starts over once again. Saving Charlie from the shark seems like an impossible task, she has tried everything, but always gets the same result.
Matilda has the power to excel in business, being able to make calculations and predict market behavior. Tropecio Ferguson notices this, and requests her help for his new "harmless" business. Matilda gladly accepts, but what she doesn’t know is that Tropecio's business consists of cutting down all the trees to make bowling balls with them. Bowling balls are selling like hot cakes, and the forest is at risk of disappearing
Matilda has the power to freely re-interpret the classic tales. She gets together with Curlybeard, Mortimer and Charlie to tell them a “special” version of “The Wizard of Oz”, in which Lollypop Kid is the protagonist of the story full of adventures, dangers and a huge amount of absurdity in the magical world of Oh.
Norman comes back to Paper Port to seize Matilda’s powers. Once he owns them, nobody will be able to stop him from conquering the world with... a chain of fast-food restaurants. And since Paper Port’s residents are made of paper, he will use them to manufacture the wrappers for his meals. Norman pretends to be Charlie to be near Matilda and steal her powers, which he accomplishes perfectly.
Matilda is worried about her power: every time she pronounces the word “Cheese”, something bursts into flames. Unfortunately for her, it’s “National Cheese Day”, so she decides to stay home to avoid problems. However, Charlie convinces her that she has to go out to have fun in this true carnival. Matilda is so worried she can’t enjoy the celebration, and her power ends up creating a huge ball of fire that moves towards the town.
Matilda arrives to Paper Port to spend her holidays with her Grandfather, Curlybeard. She accidentally breaks a magical coconut that gives her ridiculous powers she can’t control or choose (in this instance, she has the ability to change the color of things by touching them). Curlybeard warns her that it’s better not to tell this to anyone, but Matilda meets Charlie and they become friends.
It’s the 2nd Skateboarding Championship in Paper Port, and the first prize is a dinner with Bobby Jock. Charlie decides to sign up and win the championship no matter what... Yet he’s not that good at skating and loses hope. Matilda encourages him to keep training, but it’s a no-go.
Matilda has the power to be incredibly funny just by opening her mouth. Everybody laughs at what she says... except for Charlie, who doesn’t understand her jokes. She soon becomes a true showbiz star gaining great popularity and being labeled as “the funniest girl”.
Charlie plays a joke on Matilda, replacing her chocolate-flavored milk for instant coffee. Matilda spends the night awake, and due to her power, dawn never comes. In the face of this strange event, Curlybeard, Bob, and Felicia think it’s a zombie apocalypse, and seek refuge in a makeshift bunker in the yard.
Matilda wakes up with a big pimple on her face. She decides not to go out to avoid being mocked by people. Curlybeard explains to her that having pimples is normal and part of growing up, but Matilda doesn’t agree and with Felicia’s help, she gets rid of her pimple. Matilda feels like new without that ugly pimple on her face, yet the problem is that - because of her power
Matilda has the power to stop time every time she burps. First she has fun with Charlie pulling small pranks on their friends and others, who are “frozen” in time from her power, and don’t understand what’s going on. In order to take things to the next level of fun, they decide to “freeze” the whole town with one huge burp. From atop the hill, Matilda burps using an amplifier, and all Paper Port becomes “frozen”.
Matilda has the power to always win in gambling, and starts betting obsessively. She plays and humiliatingly defeats all of her friends and townspeople. Soon, nobody wants to play with her. Desperate to play with somebody, she accepts the invitation from a stranger who arrives to Paper Port, who tells her he will be happy to play and gamble with her
Matilda’s power consists of making things disappear every time she laughs. Charlie is an expert at making her laugh, and they both pull pranks on their friends and the town’s residents. But without knowing it, Matilda accidentally makes Charlie disappear. She desperately looks for the way to bring him back, because she’s sure that everything she makes disappear has to go somewhere.
Charlie and Matilda help Tropecio in his vegetable garden. When they can't find water to irrigate it, Charlie suggests Matilda spits on the seeds. She does, and due to her power, a tuber comes to life when Matilda's saliva touches it, turning it into a Frankenstein-like being. Charlie and Matilda decide to civilize this "mutant potato", and along with Curlybeard and Mortimer teach him to speak, how to behave at the table, and even give him a name: "Mr Papardelli".
An eccentric man notices Molang's and Piu Piu's talent for dancing and promises them the earth. Molang and Piu Piu meet with great success and become real stars. But soon, Molang and Piu Piu miss their quiet little life with their friends. This is why they are going to do everything they can to get back a normal life.
Molang and Piu Piu go on winter holidays with their friends. They decide to have a hot chocolate at the top of the mountain. Molang and Piu Piu are delighted at this idea, but they soon change their minds when they get on the button lift. Staying on the skilift is much more difficult than they thought.
Molang and Piu Piu take up the challenge of fishing for a giant fish. Once at sea, it's not a fish that they find, but a dolphin caught in a net. Molang and Piu Piu rush towards it to free it and then discover the joy of swimming by its side.
Along with their friends, Molang and Piu Piu organise a monster movie night. Once their friends are gone, Molang and Piu Piu go to bed, but they soon hear strange noises coming from the living room. Brrrr... What can it be? Monsters?
Molang and Piu Piu are playing rugby with their friends. The two of them are in opposite teams, but they can't stop from helping out each other, having fun and laughing, much to their friends' despair as they wanted to play a serious game.
Molang's garden is completely covered in snow. The mailman drops a parcel in the mailbox. Thrilled, Molang and Piu Piu put on warm clothes to retrieve the parcel, but then struggle as they head towards the mailbox. When they finally get there, what a surprise! The parcel is for the neighbour!
Molang and Piu Piu go into the forest with their friends to collect mushrooms. But they all part and Molang and Piu Piu get lost. Fortunately, friends are always there when you need them.
As Molang is listening to Piu Piu's singing without him knowing, he realises that his friend has a beautiful voice. He decides to organise a recital and invites all their friends to come and listen to Piu Piu. But Piu Piu is very shy and when it's time to sing, no sound comes out of his beak! Molang then tries to find a way to make Piu Piu feel comfortable.
MONK takes his favorite duck for a picnic in the country. As he opens a pot of honey, he spills it all over himself and is attacked by red ants. Then he comes up against a hungry bee, and soon after, the rest of its hive-mates… MONK gets totally fatched and tries to pull the hive off the branch. He finally manages, but ends up face-to-face with a particularly ornery brown bear that turns MONK into a paper airplane. MONK and his duck both end up in the pond...
KIMMY has gathered all her friends in the park for a classical dance lesson. Only BUBULL seems enthused at the idea of moving his body like a ballet dancer. It turns out that MONK is a pitiful dancer. He’s got two left paws and sashays from one disaster to another, systematically manhandling his partner, who is none other than DING, who couldn’t care less about MONK. MONK gets totally fatched and starts an unlikely dance demonstration ranging from Fred Astaire to Michael Jackson with a touch of
MONK is ready to enjoy a well-deserved night’s sleep with his yellow rubber duck. But things don’t go they way they’re supposed to! Every time MONK is ready to fall asleep, something happens to annoy him: a pesky mosquito, but mostly, BEN, who has invited himself over to his best friend’s place for a sleepover after having a nightmare… The problem is that BEN snores like a chainsaw! No matter what MONK does, nothing works... He gets totally fatched and makes himself some amazing earplugs, which
KIMMY, who has to go shopping, leaves her beloved SUSHI with MONK. MONK is happy to lend her a hand, but as soon as KIMMY’s back is turned, SUSHI, the big irresistible cat instantly transforms into a wild sadistic beast wreaking all sorts of havoc. The cat takes malicious pleasure in threatening MONK’s goldfish; ripping up the curtains; knocking over everything in his path as he runs around. When he tries to catch the rascal, MONK wreaks even more havoc, trashing his own living room. Our hero en
A giant sculpture in his effigy has been delivered to DING. Green with jealousy, MONK decides to take up sculpting… He sets himself up in his yard with some tools and a big block of grey stone. MONK is ready to create. KIMMY offers to pose for him so he can make a beautiful sculpture of her. She obviously doesn’t know what she’s in for. MONK can’t come up with anything remotely convincing, and he even manages to make KIMMY mad. MONK “gets totally fatched” and ends up underneath the big block of
MONK has just run his bath. He’s finally going to have a good soak. He adds some essential oil, but in particular pours in a ton of bath salts to beautify his fur, just like his hero CROKOS… As soon as the bath is ready, MONK realizes that he’s forgotten something! He runs out of the bathroom and returns with a smile on his lips and his rubber duck in his hands. He discovers DING luxuriating in the tub with a shower cap on his head. A series of gags follow, showing MONK trying to oust DING from
MONK is on vacation with his best friend BEN. They’re sharing a lovely bungalow under the palms. But MONK quickly gets bored thanks to BEN’s propensity and devotion to napping in a hammock. So MONK decides to send KIMMY a postcard. Writing is already a challenge for him, but sticking on a stamp? It’s mission impossible for MONK! Plus he didn’t count on a cackling old seagull hounding him: it poops on his postcard, steals the stamp, and ends up flying off with the postcard. MONK gets totally fatc
MONK and his friends (KIMMY, BEN and DING) have met up to play tennis. When it’s time to choose a partner, the MONK/DING rivalry raises its head to win KIMMY’s favor. The pretty poodle is quickly eclipsed by BEN, who turns out to be a tennis ace. MONK, DING and KIMMY will do anything to get BEN as their partner. But our disaster on paws only manages to attract the attention of an angry porcupine. Finally, after using her legendary charm, KIMMY is victorious. The doubles game begins… An annoyed D
MONK, DING and KIMMY find themselves in the middle of nowhere on a tiny desert island, hammered by the sun with only three coconut trees for company. There’s only one coconut left on one of the trees, and while KIMMY sunbathes, MONK and DING argue over it. The first one who reaches it can present it to KIMMY! A series of gags follow highlighting MONK’s overzealous attempts to get the coconut (he even builds a catapult) and DING’s more pragmatic approach. MONK ends up getting totally fatched and
MONK takes on mowing the lawn which looks like a jungle. Operating a defiant lawnmower is an additional challenge for MONK, who’s not that steady on his feet anyway, and he ends up getting his backside trimmed. Only after a bitter fight worthy of a gladiator movie, does he finally manage to finish the job and savor a well-deserved rest… that is until KIMMY asks him to do the same in her yard. He’s off to do another round…
BEN and MONK are gorging themselves on hotdogs. Both of them end up with a bad attack of the gurgles and head for the toilets to take care of the problem. MONK finds nothing but locked doors; all three toilets are occupied. What follows is a game of musical chairs including a variety of characters, with MONK systematically finding himself in front of a locked door. MONK ends up getting totally fatched when he finally manages to get inside a stall and finds out there’s no more toilet paper. MONK
KIMMY asks MONK to help hang a beautiful painting in her living room: a portrait of KIMMY by KIMMY (a really awful painting!). Between KIMMY’s inability to decide where to put the nail, a hammer that keeps flying out of MONK’s paws and nearly killing KIMMY’s cat, the multiple holes that MONK hammers in the wall… our four-pawed disaster gets totally fatched and manages to hammer a nail in the wall, causing KIMMY’s whole house to fall down. It triggers a storm of fury from KIMMY…
MONK is in the mountains. He’s proud and ready to hit the slopes in his nice red scarf, his skis and pole. He struts around… Unfortunately, he can’t stay upright on his skis and systematically finds himself either face-first in the powder or a little too close to a grumpy bear. He ends up getting angry and yells “FATCH”, setting off an avalanche that buries him, along with our friend the bear. The two emerge from the snow next to each other. Things will be heating up fast for MONK.
Armed with his fishing pole, MONK sits down on a jetty ready to reel in a big catch. MONK quickly becomes impatient. Even worse, all his friends (DING, BEN, KIMMY) and his arch enemy (SUSHI) show up. They sit down beside him and reel in fish, each one bigger than the last. MONK tries to imitate their techniques without success. He ends up getting totally fatched and hurls a leg of lamb in the water as bait. It was a bad choice because now he’s a hair’s breath away from being devoured by a Great
MONK goes camping in the mountains with BEN. Just by chance, DING and KIMMY are already camped nearby. The inevitable challenges and provocation occurs: MONK enters into a competition with DING to find edelweiss for KIMMY on top of a high cliff. Summoning up his courage, MONK, who’s afraid of heights, starts his assault on the cliff. After a few record-breaking falls, he finds himself a few inches away from the illusive flower, but at the last moment, DING picks the flower right out from under h
MONK is going hot-air ballooning with KIMMY. It’s a dream come true… that quickly transforms into a nightmare. While fooling around with the burner, MONK scorches his fur and even sets the gondola on fire. Luckily, the TWEETY BAND manages to put the fire out right away, but MONK knocks KIMMY over the side trying to release the sandbag. Luckily, DING, who was passing by on his hang-glider, saves her. Fatched, MONK climbs onto the balloon to intercept DING, but he manages to puncture the balloon a
MONK has just woken up and is observing his neighborhood. The facades on all his neighbors’ houses are clean and attractive but the front of his house looks worn out and dirty. He decides to clean it and buys a miracle product from the shopping channel. The first step is to put up some impressive scaffolding. After numerous disastrous attempts, the scaffolding is in place. Now there’s a big problem: how does he climb up the scaffolding with all the equipment? MONK tries a variety of techniques,
Monk is on the banks of a frozen pond with his friends. After spending a ridiculous amount of time putting on his skates, MONK finally makes it onto the ice. He struggles to skate and after a few well managed acrobatics, MONK gets is feet caught on a branch sticking out of the ice and flies headfirst into the snow. While his rival DING spends time with KIMMY, MONK wants to show off what he can do. The rivalry quickly turns into a display of power; MONK pulls the needles out of a porcupine thinki
MONK arrives at the beach with his umbrella and trusty rubber duck, determined to enjoy the beautiful sunny day to the max. But as usual, nothing goes according to plan for our disaster on four paws: while looking for some rocks to anchor his towel, he’s attacked by the CRAB-BAND; after shaking a bottle of soda too much, he attracts crowds of vacationers around him; while trying to hold onto his umbrella being carried off by the wind, he ends up head first in a palm tree. Enough’s enough and MON
MONK is excited. He bought a trampoline that he has to put together himself. Out comes the assembly instructions; MONK is going to try to do it himself. After many disastrous attempts, the members of the TWEETY BAND decide to take things in hand and put the trampoline together like real pros. MONK will finally get to try it out. But nothing goes as expected. MONK can’t really do trampoline… What’s even worse is that DING and KIMMY join in and totally flatten our disaster on four paws. MONK gets
An unusual gift awaits MONK at his front door: it’s a large antique mirror. MONK is delighted and hangs it in his living room. He looks at himself in the mirror and seems very proud of his gorgeous physique. He strikes a pose and a strange thing happens: his reflection seems to have a life of its own; it makes fun of MONK, making faces at him, driving him crazy. MONK calls on BEN, then KIMMY to check out the strange mirror, but all they see are their own reflections. MONK gets totally fatched an
MONK wakes up in a good mood and as usual starts to prepare breakfast… Except this morning, no matter how hard he tries, he just can’t butter his toast… One after the other, the toast crumbles to bits in spite of MONK’s highly imaginative attempts: the surprise attack; the stranglehold technique… And just when he’s close to victory, the paper boy spoils it by tossing the newspaper and smashing the toast to bits. Even worse, when MONK finally manages to butter a toast and does a victory dance, he
MONK, equipped with mask, fins and dive tanks is scuba diving. He swims happily, albeit a bit awkwardly, underwater. While swimming past an underwater grotto, he finds himself face-to-face with a Great White Shark: MOUCH. MONK panics and tries to get away but MOUCH follows him. He realizes that the shark isn’t out for blood, but just wants to play with him…. A series of “go fetch” scenarios follow where MONK tosses a shell to MOUCH, who retrieves it. MOUCH is tireless and MONK gets fed up with t