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Results for «changed man»

The Alto Adjustment

m 00s

Heading a criminal enterprise in Atlanta, GA, Dainhen Butler is sentenced to ten years where he learns life lessons leading to an understanding regarding the importance of contributing to society.

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Fast & Good - Episode 2 - The street food becomes gourmet

4m 57s

The wind of freedom is blowing through gastronomy: chefs around the world are abandoning their Michelin starred restaurants in order to restore the good name of a cuisine long eschewed by gourmets: street food. Fast & Good paints a portrait of this accessible and fun food, which promotes simplicity, freshness and authenticity.

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1h 33m

"Earth is beautiful. It's people who make it horrific. MEGACITIES is a film about work poverty, violence, love and sex. A film about the beauty of people."

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The Man Who Knew Too Much

44m 27s

Desmond Patrick Costello was one of the most brilliant New Zealanders of his generation – a linguist of genius who spoke ten languages and could learn one in a month. He was also a war hero who used his linguistic skills to lead his battered unit from behind German lines in Greece to safety in an incredible journey of bravery and daring. Appointed as a diplomat to the New Zealand legation in Moscow after the war he wrote the first western eyewitness account of the Nazi death camps.

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The Age of Robots - Humanoid Robots

51m 29s

They look like us. They move like us. And very soon they will live among us. They are humanoid robots. Meet an astonishing group of humanoids, among them: iCub, the world's first baby robot, and REEM, the Service Robot, ready to be launched as a guide in public spaces. Get to know humanoids!

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Life of Cyborgs IV

4m 21s

Amal Graafstra is an O.G. cyborg, known for his TED talks and interviews on international media outlets. But what some people might not know about Amal is that he's also the CEO of Dangerous Things, a company that creates and sells implantable consumer tech.

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War Matters

50m 08s

War Matters is a character driven documentary by London based production company CY Film Productions. The film chronicles 10 years of anti-war protest in the city of London through the story of Brian Haw, a veteran peace campaigner who challenged the UK Government's Middle East policy for over 10 years. The documentary also examines the British arms trade and the repercussions of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars around the world.

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Black Sunday

42m 08s

A detailed report of the Holocaust in Romania. During World War II, two trains were loaded with Jews. Where they will be taken? To their deaths. Four survivors of Romanian Holocaust tell us what happened in Iasi during the Pogrom, a horror which took place on June 29, 1941. Over 13,000 people died in that single day, a day which has become known as Black Sunday in remembrance of those who lost their lives.

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Tiger Woods

50m 08s

As a child, Tiger Woods was a sporting prodigy. He grew into one of the world's best golfers, and his youth, passion and charisma helped shine a new light on golf and bring hordes of young people into the sport. However, as his career developed, he was rocked by allegations that he was a notorious womanizer, throwing his happy family life into disarray. Prodigy looks at the spectacular rise and fall of Tiger Woods.

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Nicole Kidman

52m 47s

Since her first major role in BMX Bandits, Nicole Kidman has come a long way. Capturing the hearts of audiences and major Hollywood stars alike, this beautiful, talented redhead has emerged from personal turmoil as an enduring, graceful icon of the silver screen and beyond.

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Nelson Mandela

52m 06s

Nelson Mandela is a shining example of what one man can do to change the world. Born into an oppressive regime, he fought to overcome prejudice and hate to unify a nation. Nelson Mandela's dedication resulted in his inauguration as the first black President of South Africa; his award of the Nobel Peace Prize and ultimately, his role in overthrowing the Apartheid regime.

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Michelle Obama

23m 36s

As Michelle Obama dutifully followed her husband on the campaign trail, she began making headlines of her own with her impeccable style. Mixing bold colours and clean lines with funky accessories, Obama has brought a sense of fun to corporate clothing. Featuring graphics that highlight her iconic outfits, and packed with interview footage from designers, fashion commentators, and stylists, this is a fun, fresh, fashion fest!

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Marilyn Monroe : Fascination

48m 07s

Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous and adored icons of the 20th century. Like no other Hollywood star, she won the hearts of millions around the world. It’s been said that: “Monroe played the best game with the worst hand.” Her journey to stardom stemmed from a childhood of poverty, neglect, and loneliness. 'Fascination' tells the remarkable story of Marilyn’s life. From birth to her premature death she endured criticism, insecurities, drug dependence and numerous miscarriages.

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Elizabeth II

48m 51s

Reign Supreme is a comprehensive historical time line, which, chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II with a focus on her enduring reign, public image, private life and the defining events since her coronation. This programme is a personal biography combining unique pictures and amazing archival footage documenting the life of an extraordinary woman.

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The Magic of Audrey Hepburn

47m 21s

The essence of chic and a beautiful woman, Audrey Hepburn brought a certain 'magic' quality to the screen. Synonymous with big sunglasses and the little black dress, we also reveal the hardship she endured in her earlier years and her dedicated humanitarian work. This is a very special look at one of Hollywood's most treasured icons.

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Angelina Jolie

48m 06s

Skin Deep' is a touching story of a woman with conviction, who is making a meaningful mark on the world for the better of all. World renowned for her exotic looks and Oscar award winning movies, there is so much more to this A-list celebrity than meets the eye. ‘Skin Deep’ is a fascinating documentary which goes beyond the Hollywood hype and explores the incredible life of Angelina Jolie.

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The Women and the Waves 2

42m 38s

The Women and the Waves 2' is a documentary surf film that celebrates women and their unique approach to surfing and life. The film looks at the state of surfing today from a feminine perspective and features positive role models that give back to people and the planet.

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19m 33s

Altai - An Unexpected Fortune' - In Spring 2014 the Austrian and German ski alpinists David Pitschmann, Fabian Lentsch, Joi Hoffmann, Michael Trojer and Jakob Schweighofer headed to the remote Russian Altai Mountains in hope to discover a skier's paradise. After a long travel they found themselves again in a tiny woodshed at the sidelines of a Russian farmers' village called Kurai, having no idea what is going to happen next.

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Life of Cyborgs VI

3m 45s

Anastasia Synn is a modern-day cyborg, pushing the limits of technology and her body as well as incorporating her implants into her magic performances.

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Life of Cyborgs II

4m 17s

Grindhouse Wetware is a startup challenging the medical industry to be more radical when it comes to saving lives. Would you become a cyborg to escape an early death?

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Boxing For Freedom

54m 59s

Sadaf Rahimi is the best female boxer in Afghanistan, but she must deal with her country’s traditions, fear and her own fate in order to be a free woman. Sadaf and her sister Shabnam joined the newly created women’s boxing team at the age of 13, when they returned to their country after being refugees in Iran.

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