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Results for «animals»

Animal Society - Episode 13

23m 43s

We explore the Animal Kingdom and look closely at how animal tribes/families live together. The family dynamic – the role of mum and dad, the competition and bonding between the offspring, when do they leave their patch/home to start their own ? We see common themes in how animal families work and live together, protect each other and then go off to fend for themselves across a range of species.

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Animal Society - Episode 12

23m 43s

We explore the Animal Kingdom and look closely at how animal tribes/families live together. The family dynamic – the role of mum and dad, the competition and bonding between the offspring, when do they leave their patch/home to start their own ? We see common themes in how animal families work and live together, protect each other and then go off to fend for themselves across a range of species.

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Animal Instinct - Episode 6

24m 13s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating format. A beautiful collection of creatures great and small from across the planet. A relaxing easy to digest series suitable for the entire family - a feast for the eyes and ears. Brilliant images set to emotive music.

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Animal Instinct - Episode 12

24m 03s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating format. A beautiful collection of creatures great and small from across the planet. A relaxing easy to digest series suitable for the entire family - a feast for the eyes and ears. Brilliant images set to emotive music.

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Animal Instinct - Episode 11

23m 44s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating format. A beautiful collection of creatures great and small from across the planet. A relaxing easy to digest series suitable for the entire family - a feast for the eyes and ears. Brilliant images set to emotive music.

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39m 37s

This riveting documentary film explores the issues of loss of ecologically sensitive lands and the place and future of zoos in the twenty first century. The story revolves around the expansion plans of the Oakland Zoo into the ecologically sensitive park lands of beautiful Knowland Park. One of the many ironies revealed in this film is the Oakland's Zoo's intention to build a native California exhibit by destroying irreplaceable native Californian lands.

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Borneo's Pygmy Elephants

53m 13s

The exotic Southeast Asian island of Borneo is home to the Pygmy Elephant; field researcher Englebert Dausip is sent on a mission through the ancient rainforests and dangerous swamps of the island to locate, track, and study these elusive elephants.

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Ocean Safari - Kenya EP03

25m 38s

Ocean Safari is a five part travel and adventure series set in Kenya and hosted by South African Host, Andi van Zyl. Andi is on a mission to 5 different locations in Kenya to meet people who have chosen water as a way of life. Once reaching her destination she challenges these charismatic water experts to teach her their skills, something she requires in order to explore and unlock the secrets of her destinations. She only has three days to complete her task

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Ocean Safari - Kenya EP02

25m 52s

Ocean Safari is a five part travel and adventure series set in Kenya and hosted by South African Host, Andi van Zyl. Andi is on a mission to 5 different locations in Kenya to meet people who have chosen water as a way of life. Once reaching her destination she challenges these charismatic water experts to teach her their skills, something she requires in order to explore and unlock the secrets of her destinations. She only has three days to complete her task

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Ocean Safari - Kenya EP01

26m 31s

Ocean Safari is a five part travel and adventure series set in Kenya and hosted by South African Host, Andi van Zyl. Andi is on a mission to 5 different locations in Kenya to meet people who have chosen water as a way of life. Once reaching her destination she challenges these charismatic water experts to teach her their skills, something she requires in order to explore and unlock the secrets of her destinations. She only has three days to complete her task

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