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Results for «WWII»

The Battle of Britain

51m 27s

By the end of June 1940 Britain stood alone in the war against Nazi Germany. Ahead lay a long hot summer as a battle for national survival was fought in the skies over Britain in full view of the population. Not only did Britain’s fate depend on the outcome of the battle but also the freedom of the rest of Europe and, ultimately, the outcome of the Second World War. Today the Battle of Britain stands as one of the pivotal moments in Britain’s long history

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Monsieur Mayonnaise

58m 01s

Australian artist and film-maker, Philippe Mora, investigates his father’s clandestine role in the French Résistance in WWII and his mother’s miraculous escape en route to Auschwitz. Philippe, a Hollywood cult-horror movie director and pop-artist, adopts a Film Noir persona to tell his family’s story.

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Great British Aircraft

1h 09m

Britain has always played a very important role in the aeronautic industry, from Sir George Cayley who designed the first actual model of an aeroplane to Sir Frank Whittle who is credited with single handedly inventing the turbojet engine.

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History of Tanks

51m 22s

Documenting the changing face of tank warfare over the past 100 years, this fascinating documentary is not to be missed by those with an interest in military history and weapon development.

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