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Results for «Tribute»

Michael Jackson II

49m 16s

On the 25th June 2009, the world stood still as they received the news that Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, was dead. Michael Jackson: 'Devotion' will look at a life led with devotion, that inspired others. It will follow his commendable charity work and his loyalty to friends and family, featuring those who loved him most: his fans.

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Michael Jackson

48m 28s

In the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, the world went into mourning. But as people began to deal with the news of his passing, attention turned to all that he had left the world. Michael Jackson: A Tribute celebrates the way Jackson’s music has changed the world, and how his charity work has made it a better place. Recovering from the shock of his death, we turn our attention on all that he has left the world.

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Heath Ledger

47m 17s

January 22nd 2008 - the entertainment world was rocked by news that one of its brightest young stars had unexpectedly died. Heath Ledger: 'A Tribute' is a commemorative special dedicated to the life and works of this complex and unique talent who died before his time.

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