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Results for «Sheriff»

The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 16

43m 46s

We meet the family that paid £2,700 for a car from a second-hand car dealer which they say was dangerous. The Sheriffs are forced to call in tow trucks to pay off the debt, but the debtor isn't taking things lying down. It's not long before the police are on the scene. Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev try and collect an unpaid employment tribunal award.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 9

43m 51s

A pub landlord paid £10,000 for wind turbines on the roof of his Dartmoor pub that didn't work. The Sheriffs go in search of his money. An Oxfordshire car mechanic fixed a rental company's van, but they refused to pay him, and a civil servant bought a top of the range car as a retirement present, but it ended up costing him over £1700 for major repairs. Can the Sheriffs get their money back?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 8

43m 55s

A British holidaymaker's trip to Portugal was ruined by a 12-hour delay. He took legal action against the airline but still hasn't been paid. So, Sheriffs Chris and Steve have been called in to check out the check-in. A ski instructor is owed unpaid wages by the holiday company he worked for, and a Chinese education centre owes a former student £34,000. Can the Sheriffs recover all their money?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 7

44m 01s

When a couple arranged to have their spectacular Indian wedding filmed, they never dreamed it would take over 18 months to see the disappointing results. They were so unhappy; they won a High Court Judgment against the video company. A Cambridgeshire garage owner sold a car with multiple problems and failed to give the buyer her money back. Can the Sheriffs recover all the money owed?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 6

44m 01s

Sheriffs Tom and Craig visit a Coventry convenience store in an attempt to clear a big debt. Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev are called to well-known London pub that’s been occupied by squatters, barricaded and booby trapped. Sheriffs Marc and Kev visit a South London garage to try and get money back from a disgruntled former business associate.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 5

43m 50s

Squatters have taken over a building in South East London and the owner wants them removed. But tensions rise when the Sheriffs are left with no choice but to force their way in. A south coast puppeteer bought a faulty van from a local garage, and Sheriffs Darryl and Mark are on the trail of a dentist who owes a colossal debt. But where is the elusive debtor?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 4

43m 55s

Tempers flare when Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev chase up a debt on behalf of a man with multiple names. Can they get him to pay up? A former gym instructor is owed wages by a gym, a remote-control plane enthusiast has a serious issue with the car he purchased, and a photocopier wholesaler owes a substantial sum to a former employee. Can the Sheriffs recover all the money needed for their clients?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 3

43m 58s

A former army medic is owed money by a private ambulance company who he carried out work for but wasn't paid. Can Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev convince the company director to pay up? Sheriffs Craig and Tom go in search of a debt owed by one farmer to another, and a North London hairdresser is owed money by a salon furniture wholesaler. Can they recover all the money?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 20

43m 59s

Meet a beauty therapist who was unfairly dismissed from the salon where she worked. Sheriffs Darryl and Craig pay the salon a visit and confront her former boss. A South Coast mum sold her Ford Galaxy for £4,500 through a car dealer but didn't get a penny from the sale. Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev take on a window installation company on behalf of a former employee who is owed wages.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 18

43m 46s

Enamel designers paid £20,000 for a building project that barely got off the ground. The Sheriffs pay a visit to the builder. Can they get him to pay the money that's owed? Meet the mum who spent her life savings on a horsebox to help her daughter with her prize-winning dressage career. The horsebox turned out to be unfit for the road and the family's been left out of pocket. It's up to the Sheriffs to make sure they get their money back.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 2

43m 58s

Sheriffs Craig and Tom get a rude awakening when they go to collect a debt from a wedding photographer on behalf of a disgruntled Bride and Groom. Lawrence and Kev pay a visit to a builder who left a South Coast woman's house half-finished. A motorcycle racer wants her money back from the garage she bought her bike from, and an electrician wants his money from a loft conversions company.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 12

44m 03s

A Lancashire farmer is fleeced after shearing 3,000 sheep and then not paid for his work. Sheriff Pete pays the debtor a visit to try and get him to pay up. Lawrence and Kev visit an aeronautical giant to get money back for a man whose factory job ruined his hearing, and the Sheriffs go into bat for a couple who had their property damaged by a removal company.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 10

43m 47s

A central London guitar school sold a customer's classic guitar and then kept her money. Can the Sheriffs change their tune? A ski instructor wasn't paid over £600 of wages by the holiday company he worked for, and a trainee electrician bought a car that turned out to have seriously faulty locks. Can the Sheriffs recover their money?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 1

44m 00s

When a Yorkshire beauty therapist paid to have a tattoo removed by a local salon, she ended up with third-degree burns. The Sheriffs get the man that carried out the disastrous removal to pay up. Then the Sheriffs get a Bristol BMW garage to pay up, get money back for a woman in dispute with a roofing company, and convince the owner of a demolition company that he has a debt to pay.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 19

44m 01s

A Blackpool couple paid £3,600 for their dream kitchen but got anything but. A builder paid £9,000 for a car but ended up having to take the garage to court. Can the Sheriffs get them their money back? Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev pay a visit to a dentist, who borrowed thousands from an elderly lady and hasn't paid her back. And Sheriffs attempt to remove their biggest asset yet: an aircraft.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 17

43m 47s

A marketing consultant wasn't paid for thousands of pounds of work she carried out for a North London college. The Sheriffs are forced to pay two visits when they go in search of her money. A pensioner who was promised a new driveway was left with a pile of bricks, and a man spends his life savings on a tooth whitening franchise that goes badly wrong. Can the Sheriffs recover their money?

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 15

43m 36s

A Norfolk electrician carried out work for a builder but was never paid. Sheriffs Lawrence and Kev face a total lock-out when they go in search of his money. Darryl visits a letting agent, and when negotiations fail, he's forced to find another way into the premises. Sheriffs Marc and Tony visit a car garage on behalf of a builder who paid £3,000 for a car with a load of problems.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 14

44m 00s

A Filipino student paid £2450 for a healthcare qualification from a London college but gets nothing for her money and is kicked out of the country. It's up to Sheriffs to get her life back on track. A Yorkshire jeweller sells the wrong engagement ring. Pete shows them why diamonds are a Sheriff's best friend. Lawrence and Kev chase up a debt owed to a World War 2 veteran.

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The Sheriffs Are Coming Season 1 Episode 13

43m 59s

We meet the man who took a parking company to court after he felt his car was unfairly clamped and towed. Can the Sheriffs get the clampers to pay up what they owe? A dispute with a cafe owner turns a village on its head. It's a storm in a teacup for the Sheriffs. And Pete and Dave go in search of a top of the range, Lamborghini. Unsurprisingly, the owner's not keen to part with it.

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