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Results for «Restoration»

Knuckle Busters

42m 37s

The Guild is under the gun! The restorers are asked to find a way to save the life of a 1953 cartoon car with a rotten body while Mustang mania forces Paul to pull all the guys onto a 1967 classic. Jay’s Bugatti burnout gives rising restoration star Alex a crack at building the most difficult part of the multi-million dollar car.

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Dream Cars

42m 29s

David Grainger asks his team to do the impossible; recreate a car that went missing more then 70 years ago from one of the most flammable metals on earth. A man with a dream rolls into The Guild looking to transform his Lincoln Continental into a killer movie car from the 70s. Can the team manage two huge total recreations and deliver a long time restoration classic, a ‘63 Thunderbird, to its owner on time?

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