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Results for «Portrait»

Clinton's II

46m 06s

The Clintons are nothing if not the ultimate survivors. Nearly two decades after they burst onto the national stage, they are still dominating it, with Hillary mounting an extraordinary comeback to the extent that she now polls as America’s most admired political figure, while Bill virtually runs a parallel United Nations from his Manhattan offices.

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48m 09s

Interested in humanitarian causes, politics and the arts, the Clinton's have been a pioneering family who have supported and driven each other in their unrivaled careers. Although they have one of the most dissected marriages in America, Bill and Hillary Clinton have kept their marriage together in spite of rough times, complicated and busy schedules, and lack of privacy.

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Cristiano Ronaldo

52m 32s

Confident, talented and good looking, Cristiano Ronaldo is a marketing dream. A natural leader capable of inspiring runs, powerful strikes and the ability to find the back of the net, he is what many deem to be a perfect footballer. Off field is another story however, wih Ronaldo the cause of multiple scandals.

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Michael Jackson II

49m 16s

On the 25th June 2009, the world stood still as they received the news that Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, was dead. Michael Jackson: 'Devotion' will look at a life led with devotion, that inspired others. It will follow his commendable charity work and his loyalty to friends and family, featuring those who loved him most: his fans.

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Michael Jackson

48m 28s

In the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, the world went into mourning. But as people began to deal with the news of his passing, attention turned to all that he had left the world. Michael Jackson: A Tribute celebrates the way Jackson’s music has changed the world, and how his charity work has made it a better place. Recovering from the shock of his death, we turn our attention on all that he has left the world.

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Heath Ledger

47m 17s

January 22nd 2008 - the entertainment world was rocked by news that one of its brightest young stars had unexpectedly died. Heath Ledger: 'A Tribute' is a commemorative special dedicated to the life and works of this complex and unique talent who died before his time.

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The Bilby

26m 10s

Efforts to save this delightful endangered species of bandicoots, Sydney City to Surf fun run with the Two Tims, Canberra by bike: National Portrait Gallery, the Stromlo sporting complex and a Family of swans under the gaze of Federal Parliament.

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Nicole Kidman

52m 47s

Since her first major role in BMX Bandits, Nicole Kidman has come a long way. Capturing the hearts of audiences and major Hollywood stars alike, this beautiful, talented redhead has emerged from personal turmoil as an enduring, graceful icon of the silver screen and beyond.

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Michael Schumacher

48m 00s

Officially labeled ‘The greatest driver Formula One has ever seen’, Schumacher has redefined this elite sport through his ability, dedication, media presence and appeal. This is an objective look at his journey, and the ongoing impact of his contribution to Formula One.

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Michelle Obama

23m 36s

As Michelle Obama dutifully followed her husband on the campaign trail, she began making headlines of her own with her impeccable style. Mixing bold colours and clean lines with funky accessories, Obama has brought a sense of fun to corporate clothing. Featuring graphics that highlight her iconic outfits, and packed with interview footage from designers, fashion commentators, and stylists, this is a fun, fresh, fashion fest!

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J.F. Kennedy

24m 10s

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963 at the age of 46. Attractive and charismatic, Kennedy was one of the most popular and youngest presidents in American history.

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Clint Eastwood : Steel Gaze

48m 06s

More than any other figure in popular culture, Clint Eastwood has captured the public’s imagination. His steely gaze, enigmatic presence, and tough guy attitude have seen him welcomed into lounge-rooms cinema screens and the prestigious Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sounds. Having won five Academy awards, Eastwood has firmly cemented his place in the movie industry.

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Britney Spears

23m 44s

She is as well known for shaving her head and having a joke wedding in Las Vegas, as she is for her smash-hit songs and records. Britney Spears has seen the best, and the worst, that fame has to offer. Once a teen pop icon at the height of stardom - with songs such as 'Baby One More Time' and 'Oops I did it again' - she has fallen apart at the seams and been splashed across tabloid newspapers for her protracted divorce and custody battles with Kevin Federline.

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Tiger Woods

50m 08s

As a child, Tiger Woods was a sporting prodigy. He grew into one of the world's best golfers, and his youth, passion and charisma helped shine a new light on golf and bring hordes of young people into the sport. However, as his career developed, he was rocked by allegations that he was a notorious womanizer, throwing his happy family life into disarray. Prodigy looks at the spectacular rise and fall of Tiger Woods.

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Lewis Hamilton

52m 01s

In mid-January 2008, Lewis Hamilton signed a new 5 year, multi-million pound contract to stay with McLaren Mercedes until at least the end of the 2012 season. Born in 1985, Hamilton began his winning career aged seven racing radio-controlled karts. His career, and his story, is one to watch.

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Angelina Jolie

48m 06s

Skin Deep' is a touching story of a woman with conviction, who is making a meaningful mark on the world for the better of all. World renowned for her exotic looks and Oscar award winning movies, there is so much more to this A-list celebrity than meets the eye. ‘Skin Deep’ is a fascinating documentary which goes beyond the Hollywood hype and explores the incredible life of Angelina Jolie.

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On a river in Ireland

1h 00m

The Shannon is Ireland’s greatest geographical landmark and the longest river in these islands. For 340 kilometers the river carves its way south through the heart of the country almost splitting Ireland in two. It is both a barrier and highway. On its journey, the Shannon passes through a huge palette of rural landscapes. “On a River in Ireland” offers a portrait of Ireland’s greatest geographical feature, using a lot of techniques and showing never before filmed Irish sequences and stories.

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Destiny an unauthorized story on Prince William

49m 11s

Destiny goes beyond the Royal love affair and explores destiny in relation to the Royal Family. Prince William shows a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the Royal family, fully aware of the role he is to play in the future as the King of England. Since birth, his upbringing has been carefully managed and his destiny thoughtfully mapped out by the Monarch. It was whilst excelling at sports and university studies; his much-publicised romance with Kate Middelton began.

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Nelson Mandela

52m 06s

Nelson Mandela is a shining example of what one man can do to change the world. Born into an oppressive regime, he fought to overcome prejudice and hate to unify a nation. Nelson Mandela's dedication resulted in his inauguration as the first black President of South Africa; his award of the Nobel Peace Prize and ultimately, his role in overthrowing the Apartheid regime.

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Marilyn Monroe : Fascination

48m 07s

Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous and adored icons of the 20th century. Like no other Hollywood star, she won the hearts of millions around the world. It’s been said that: “Monroe played the best game with the worst hand.” Her journey to stardom stemmed from a childhood of poverty, neglect, and loneliness. 'Fascination' tells the remarkable story of Marilyn’s life. From birth to her premature death she endured criticism, insecurities, drug dependence and numerous miscarriages.

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Elvis Presley

48m 01s

Recognized by multiple generations, as well as a cross-section of society, Elvis Presley holds a permanent place in American and World music history. Elvis Presley is an American icon that ushered in a music revolution that triggered a global-scale cultural transformation. Elvis’s legacy is celebrated all around the world from Japan to Israel and from India to the England.

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David Beckham

51m 24s

By 2007, David Beckham had seemingly conquered the world. He was one of the all-time greatest footballers, one of the most famous men in the world, exceptionally wealthy and living what appeared to be a fairytale existence. Two years on and Beckham has not left his podium. Multiple strategic business moves between Football Clubs with his fashion-forward wife and three sons have seen the Beckham brand explode to epic proportions.

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Zinedine Zidane

52m 18s

FIFA World Player in 1998, 2000 and 2003, Zidane has been labeled the greatest player to ever come out of France. Known for his brilliant ball control, incredible vision, precise passing and ability to read the game, Zidane has also dedicated much of his time to helping those less fortunate than himself.

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Rolling Stones

46m 52s

The Rolling Stones are as well known for their music as they are for each band member's highly public and often troubled personal journey. Pioneering a gritty blues-based style of rock & roll in the 60s, the Stones gathered fans and momentum alike with front man Mick Jagger's unique blend of macho showmanship and camp irony attracting plenty of attention. For over four decades the Rolling Stones ahve been on top.

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Elizabeth II

48m 51s

Reign Supreme is a comprehensive historical time line, which, chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II with a focus on her enduring reign, public image, private life and the defining events since her coronation. This programme is a personal biography combining unique pictures and amazing archival footage documenting the life of an extraordinary woman.

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The Magic of Audrey Hepburn

47m 21s

The essence of chic and a beautiful woman, Audrey Hepburn brought a certain 'magic' quality to the screen. Synonymous with big sunglasses and the little black dress, we also reveal the hardship she endured in her earlier years and her dedicated humanitarian work. This is a very special look at one of Hollywood's most treasured icons.

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48m 49s

Pele was a phenomenal athlete who brought class and finesse to the game. Named 'Athlete of the Century' by the International Olympic Committee, and one of the '100 Most Important People of the 20th Century' by Time Magazine in 1999, Pele is a legend whose sporting reputation will live on forever. Using his global profile to great effect, Pele supported policies for improving the social conditions of the poor. 'The King of Football' is an inspiring special on a remarkable individual.

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Margaret Thatcher

46m 22s

In this intriguing documentary, we examine the life and career of Britain’s first female Prime Minister - Margaret Thatcher. After 1990, Lady Thatcher (as she became) remained a potent political figure and went on to contribute in other ways. In our programme we present a portrait of an intensely controversial figure. Critics claim that her economic policies were divisive socially, that she was harsh or ‘uncaring’ in her politics, and hostile to the institutions of the British welfare state.

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47m 19s

U2 are almost as well known for their philanthropy and charity work as they are for their music. Over twenty years, lead singer Bono has made a name for himself as a tireless worker for social and economic chcnage in Third World Countries. A Rock Crusade is the story of this band's never ending energy, drive and commitment to social causes, and U2's efforts to use its influence in order to affect change for the people who need it most - the poor and disadvantaged.

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Lady Diana - Princess of Wales Everlasting

52m 03s

Diana, Princess of Wales, was an extraordinary figure. Her effortless elegance, her ability to relate to the common person, and her devotion as a mother led to her becoming one of the most adored public figures in history. She helped to break down barriers between the British Royal Family and everyday people, and she was never afraid to stand up for the causes close to her heart. In 1997, she met with a tragic and untimely end. However, the world did not forget their favourite Princess.

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The Beatles

51m 15s

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr: the four most iconic names in pop music. Together, they weave the story of the Beatles, still listed by Rolling Stone magazine as the most important band in the world. Since bursting onto the music scene in the early 1960s, the Beatles have embarked on successful solo careers, faced difficult personal and legal battles, but ultimately endured.

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

6m 59s

French Painter (1864-1901). Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman and illustrator whose immersion in the colourful and theatrical life of Paris in the late 1800s yielded a collection of exciting, elegant and provocative images of the modern and sometimes decadent life of those times. Toulouse-Lautrec, along with Cézanne, Van Gogh and Gauguin, are among the most well-known painters of the Post-Impressionist period.

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A Time For Making

58m 33s

Nine artisans on secluded Gabriola Island reveal the differences between mass manufactured and authentic locally handmade through intimate portraits of their work and lifestyle.

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