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Results for «Plant»

The Age of Robots - Bioinspired Robots

52m 08s

Mankind has always looked at nature to solve problems, taking a cue from the solutions that biological systems have refined through natural selection. In this episode we look at a robotic plant that mimics the mechanics of plant roots, and dive underwater to see robots inspired by fish.

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The Age of Robots - The Bionic Man

54m 44s

From brains to eyes, hands to legs, and deep down to the internal organs; implants, prosthesis and rehabilitation are entering a new era potentially creating a new type of human being - The Bionic Man- in reality, not on retro TV. But what ethical concerns arise as we mix technology with biology?

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Life of Cyborgs IV

4m 21s

Amal Graafstra is an O.G. cyborg, known for his TED talks and interviews on international media outlets. But what some people might not know about Amal is that he's also the CEO of Dangerous Things, a company that creates and sells implantable consumer tech.

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Life of Cyborgs VI

3m 45s

Anastasia Synn is a modern-day cyborg, pushing the limits of technology and her body as well as incorporating her implants into her magic performances.

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Life of Cyborgs II

4m 17s

Grindhouse Wetware is a startup challenging the medical industry to be more radical when it comes to saving lives. Would you become a cyborg to escape an early death?

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