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Results for «Origin»

Data Mining The Deceased

56m 50s

More than half of North Americans are fascinated by genealogy. Some gain a sense of identity by uncovering their ancestors, their culture, and their country of origin. Others find it disorienting when they discover that their history differs from what they have always believed. But there is another side to the rise in genealogy that goes beyond human interest. It is arguably the largest historical enterprise in the world, driven by big religion, big business and big technology.

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Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 1 - The Cosmos

52m 27s

Its origin shrouded in mystery, operating according to its own laws, described with the precision of mathematics, there is nothing as impressive as the cosmos. Life on earth is supported by forces finely tuned to an astonishing degree. So is it all luck? Or does the evidence suggest something more behind our ordered universe? In this episode atheism and theism are on a collision course. Where does the truth lie?

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