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Results for «JFK»

J.F. Kennedy

24m 10s

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963 at the age of 46. Attractive and charismatic, Kennedy was one of the most popular and youngest presidents in American history.

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Kennedy's II

48m 39s

Americans are fascinated by the royal status of the Kennedy’s, and their dynasty that has mesmerized generations. To this day, their legacy lives on. The Kennedy family has long been plagued by tragedy and scandal. Despite this, the Kennedy’s have long been thought of as America’s “Royal Family”.

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46m 12s

The Kennedy family is one of the most famous families in the world,but their history has been plagued by tragedies commonly know as The Kennedy Curse. The wealth, glamour and photogenic quality of the family members, as well as their extensive and continuing commitment to public service, has elevated them to iconic status over the past half-century and has led to their reputation as “America’s Royal Family”.

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