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Results for «Industry»

Clint Eastwood : Steel Gaze

48m 06s

More than any other figure in popular culture, Clint Eastwood has captured the public’s imagination. His steely gaze, enigmatic presence, and tough guy attitude have seen him welcomed into lounge-rooms cinema screens and the prestigious Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sounds. Having won five Academy awards, Eastwood has firmly cemented his place in the movie industry.

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Food Patriots

1h 13m

Many consumers are concerned about the disconnect between food and health. Touched by their high school football player son’s battle with an antibiotic resistant super-bug filmmakers Jeff and Jennifer Spitz take a closer look at what is in their food and what anyone can do to make healthier choices in their own homes, schools and communities. This film shows how one family tries to shift away from fast, processed food-like substances and toward more fresh, local and organic choices.

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Life of Cyborgs II

4m 17s

Grindhouse Wetware is a startup challenging the medical industry to be more radical when it comes to saving lives. Would you become a cyborg to escape an early death?

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Oil-Power versus EPower: An Industry reinvents itself

44m 14s

The spectacular world tour by a purely solar-powered plane has shown what new energy is capable of. Hot on the heels of the electric car comes the electric aeroplane. Even if Solar Impulse, the company behind the plane, has not yet developed a fully market-ready product, it has demonstrated its feasibility.

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