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Results for «Gulf Of Carpentaria»

Albert Einstein

4m 22s

Modern physics would not have been the same without him. Einstein developed the theory of relativity and we consider it relatively important to learn his story.

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The Okinaway of Life

51m 24s

A wonderful journey in the heart of a legendary civilization that owns the world longevity record in good health. The archipelago of Okinawa, located in the Pacific Ocean at the very south of Japan sees its population with almost no diseases. What are the secrets of Okinawa’s inhabitants ? How can we live longer, happy and in good health ?

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Nostromo: The Impossible Dream of David Lean

1h 29m

David Lean dedicated the last six years of his life to implement a dream called Nostromo. Based on the novel of the same title by Joseph Conrad, Nostromo was to be an epic film shot with care and attention to detail that seemed from another era in years dominated by action and special effects. The British master, about to turn 80, aspired to close his career with a masterpiece worthy of titles such as Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago or The Bridge on the River Kwai.

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Sustainable Futures - Transport

23m 57s

The transport sector has long been known as a major source of pollution affecting the air, damaging our health, animal life and the environment. Cars are a major source of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Road transport is responsible for the emission of hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, metals and a variety of organic compounds into the environment. Emissions are higher when there is a concentration of traffic levels.

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48m 49s

Pele was a phenomenal athlete who brought class and finesse to the game. Named 'Athlete of the Century' by the International Olympic Committee, and one of the '100 Most Important People of the 20th Century' by Time Magazine in 1999, Pele is a legend whose sporting reputation will live on forever. Using his global profile to great effect, Pele supported policies for improving the social conditions of the poor. 'The King of Football' is an inspiring special on a remarkable individual.

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Lady Diana - Princess of Wales Everlasting

52m 03s

Diana, Princess of Wales, was an extraordinary figure. Her effortless elegance, her ability to relate to the common person, and her devotion as a mother led to her becoming one of the most adored public figures in history. She helped to break down barriers between the British Royal Family and everyday people, and she was never afraid to stand up for the causes close to her heart. In 1997, she met with a tragic and untimely end. However, the world did not forget their favourite Princess.

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A Simpler Way : Crisis As Opportunity

1h 18m

A feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group build tiny houses, plant veggie gardens, practice simple living, and discover the challenges of living in community.

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

6m 59s

French Painter (1864-1901). Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman and illustrator whose immersion in the colourful and theatrical life of Paris in the late 1800s yielded a collection of exciting, elegant and provocative images of the modern and sometimes decadent life of those times. Toulouse-Lautrec, along with Cézanne, Van Gogh and Gauguin, are among the most well-known painters of the Post-Impressionist period.

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