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Results for «God»

Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 3 - Mind and Consciousness

52m 30s

Human consciousness is the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe. Not only does it exist; it is sophisticated beyond understanding. The big issue: does the immaterial reality of human consciousness point to an immaterial mind behind the universe? Examining the evidence from ‘the God gene’ to near death experience, this episode brings the final clash of views of this God question series.

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Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 2 - Life and Evolution

52m 45s

If ever God had an undertaker, it surely must be Charles Darwin. Yet, says his biographer James Moore “Darwin was never really an atheist”. He has, nevertheless, become its patron saint. The evidence for evolution is compelling. Indeed its achievements are so spectacular that they lead to underlying questions about why it is so successful if there is no over-arching mind. In this episode champions of the view that Darwin has buried God clash with their theistic counterparts.

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Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 1 - The Cosmos

52m 27s

Its origin shrouded in mystery, operating according to its own laws, described with the precision of mathematics, there is nothing as impressive as the cosmos. Life on earth is supported by forces finely tuned to an astonishing degree. So is it all luck? Or does the evidence suggest something more behind our ordered universe? In this episode atheism and theism are on a collision course. Where does the truth lie?

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