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Results for «Girl»


50m 46s

Mugu in Western Nepal is one of the least developed regions in Nepal. According to the 2011 Nepal Census, 90% of women in Mugu are illiterate. Sunakali Budha, a 13 year-old girl saw football for the first time in 2011 and in less than three years time she has become a star in her village.

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My Thai Bride

54m 26s

Ted marries a Thai bar girl but when his money runs out, the marriage ends and he returns to the UK destitute, having learned what his Thai wife already knew: without money you lose everything.

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Mother Madre

18m 50s

Girls from the Eastern Coachella Valley, one of the lowest-income communities in California, interview their mothers and grandmothers, telling their own stories about immigration, work in the fields, domestic violence and their dreams.

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