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Results for «Environnement»

Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up

52m 28s

With Donald Trump, an outmoded view of climate change has taken hold of the White House again. Great news for oil companies such as Exxon and Shell. They have been secretly financing scientific studies and campaigns, which are talking down climate change and have been influencing the public debate for 60 years. New documents prove that since 1957, these companies have known that burning fossil fuels changes the climate - their own, strictly secret research had revealed this.

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Mont Blanc Wild Side

14m 46s

The Val Veny is a valley located at the foot of the south slope of the Mont Blanc. The Peakpowder team will organize a base camp where the supplies are transported by back. They will ski the summits that were previously climbed for one week to strengthen their calves. With a pure spirit, they wish to experience their own adventures, in a team, with zero impact on the environment and prove that with little means it is possible to realize beautiful projects.

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