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Results for «CO2»

Sustainable Futures - Transport

23m 57s

The transport sector has long been known as a major source of pollution affecting the air, damaging our health, animal life and the environment. Cars are a major source of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Road transport is responsible for the emission of hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, metals and a variety of organic compounds into the environment. Emissions are higher when there is a concentration of traffic levels.

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Sustainable Futures - The Carbon Issue

24m 00s

The ever-growing population and continued economic growth that are taking place worldwide continue to add to the problem of carbon emissions. Activities, which produce carbon emissions fall into four main categories. Electricity generation, transportation, industrial activities and commercial and residential use. Globally, we need to achieve a 90 percent reduction in our carbon emissions by the year 2050 to have a chance at preventing the dangerous effects.

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Sustainable Futures - Pollution

24m 13s

As the world begins to wake up to the dangers and the damage caused by pollution, the pressure to become more environmentally responsible increases. In India, environmentalists are calling for action to stop the Taj Mahal from turning yellow from the effects of pollution. A New York University study has indicated that living in a city with high levels of air pollution can be as hazardous to your health as living with a smoker and inhaling second hand smoke.

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Sustainable Futures - Energy Issues

24m 06s

Humankind faces some very difficult choices - our beautiful planet cannot support 6 billion people without fossil fuel. Fossil energy will become rare and expensive in the not very distant future. In China recently, resurgences in nuclear energy have emerged, as the world’s most populous country consumes more and more energy. A United Kingdom family tests their energy consumption and shows us all how that by making small changes we can have an impact.

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