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Results for «Bus»

London, United Kingdom

5m 02s

Join Carolyne to discover the Magistic city of London and its 8.5 millions habitants! Get on a bus and visit legendary places such as the London Eye.

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Oil-Power versus EPower: An Industry reinvents itself

44m 14s

The spectacular world tour by a purely solar-powered plane has shown what new energy is capable of. Hot on the heels of the electric car comes the electric aeroplane. Even if Solar Impulse, the company behind the plane, has not yet developed a fully market-ready product, it has demonstrated its feasibility.

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Mother Madre

18m 50s

Girls from the Eastern Coachella Valley, one of the lowest-income communities in California, interview their mothers and grandmothers, telling their own stories about immigration, work in the fields, domestic violence and their dreams.

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Twin Rivers

1h 46m

Two brothers are on a long journey across New South Wales, Australia in 1939. Travelling on foot, they trying to reach the city of Melbourne to start their own business. However, a series of events on the road lead them to the township of Riverton, where the brother's loyalty to each other is challenged when new dreams are discovered.

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Life of Cyborgs IV

4m 21s

Amal Graafstra is an O.G. cyborg, known for his TED talks and interviews on international media outlets. But what some people might not know about Amal is that he's also the CEO of Dangerous Things, a company that creates and sells implantable consumer tech.

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David Beckham

51m 24s

By 2007, David Beckham had seemingly conquered the world. He was one of the all-time greatest footballers, one of the most famous men in the world, exceptionally wealthy and living what appeared to be a fairytale existence. Two years on and Beckham has not left his podium. Multiple strategic business moves between Football Clubs with his fashion-forward wife and three sons have seen the Beckham brand explode to epic proportions.

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