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Results for «Bird»

Breathtaking Kakadu

9m 14s

Australia's Kakadu is a glorious untouched wonderland. Billabongs, birds and crocodiles abound, join a local family as they hunt in this breathtaking wilderness.

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Australia's Wonderful Wildlife

14m 13s

Kangaroos, koalas, dingoes and platypus just a few of the uniquely Australian wildlife species that call Australia home. See them in their natural habitat when you watch Australia's Wonderful Wildlife.

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Australia's Most Beautiful Birds

13m 59s

Australia is a country with a huge population of birds, some 800 species in fact. The variety is endless, from tiny honey eaters to the large emu and cassowary. Watch some amazing footage of just some of Australia's most beautiful birds.

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Dream Cars

42m 29s

David Grainger asks his team to do the impossible; recreate a car that went missing more then 70 years ago from one of the most flammable metals on earth. A man with a dream rolls into The Guild looking to transform his Lincoln Continental into a killer movie car from the 70s. Can the team manage two huge total recreations and deliver a long time restoration classic, a ‘63 Thunderbird, to its owner on time?

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Animal Society - Episode 3

23m 43s

We explore the Animal Kingdom and look closely at how animal tribes/families live together. The family dynamic – the role of mum and dad, the competition and bonding between the offspring, when do they leave their patch/home to start their own ? We see common themes in how animal families work and live together, protect each other and then go off to fend for themselves across a range of species.

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