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Results for «Band»

Rolling Stones

46m 52s

The Rolling Stones are as well known for their music as they are for each band member's highly public and often troubled personal journey. Pioneering a gritty blues-based style of rock & roll in the 60s, the Stones gathered fans and momentum alike with front man Mick Jagger's unique blend of macho showmanship and camp irony attracting plenty of attention. For over four decades the Rolling Stones ahve been on top.

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47m 19s

U2 are almost as well known for their philanthropy and charity work as they are for their music. Over twenty years, lead singer Bono has made a name for himself as a tireless worker for social and economic chcnage in Third World Countries. A Rock Crusade is the story of this band's never ending energy, drive and commitment to social causes, and U2's efforts to use its influence in order to affect change for the people who need it most - the poor and disadvantaged.

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The Beatles

51m 15s

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr: the four most iconic names in pop music. Together, they weave the story of the Beatles, still listed by Rolling Stone magazine as the most important band in the world. Since bursting onto the music scene in the early 1960s, the Beatles have embarked on successful solo careers, faced difficult personal and legal battles, but ultimately endured.

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My Thai Bride

54m 26s

Ted marries a Thai bar girl but when his money runs out, the marriage ends and he returns to the UK destitute, having learned what his Thai wife already knew: without money you lose everything.

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The Bilby

26m 10s

Efforts to save this delightful endangered species of bandicoots, Sydney City to Surf fun run with the Two Tims, Canberra by bike: National Portrait Gallery, the Stromlo sporting complex and a Family of swans under the gaze of Federal Parliament.

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