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Results for «Andi Van Zyl»

Why Not Whitewater?

27m 55s

Andi van Zyl is in the Sole Valley in the North of Italy to discover more about the country's rivers and valleys in the most adventurous of ways. From cannoning, to kayaking, rafting to hydrospeed, this episode is filled with adrenaline and adventure sports that leave you wondering why not white water this summer!

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The History Of The Vw Camper Van

1h 21m

The iconic VW Camper Van has stood the test of time through five generations and more than six decades. With cool curves and enormous flexibility the VW Type 2 Transporter soon won the hearts of the public and revolutionised the possibilities for freedom and adventure as companies and individuals transformed their Type 2s into VW Campers.

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The Bilby

26m 10s

Efforts to save this delightful endangered species of bandicoots, Sydney City to Surf fun run with the Two Tims, Canberra by bike: National Portrait Gallery, the Stromlo sporting complex and a Family of swans under the gaze of Federal Parliament.

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Vancouver, Canada

5m 26s

Follow Scotty in Vancouver! Many activities are at the rendezvous, including a boat tour to see spectacular orcas and a visit of the suspension bridge park.

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