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Inspiring Locations

The Great Escape US

On a river in Ireland

1h 00m 09s

The Shannon is Ireland’s greatest geographical landmark and the longest river in these islands. For 340 kilometers the river carves its way south through the heart of the country almost splitting Ireland in two. It is both a barrier and highway. On its journey, the Shannon passes through a huge palette of rural landscapes. “On a River in Ireland” offers a portrait of Ireland’s greatest geographical feature, using a lot of techniques and showing never before filmed Irish sequences and stories.

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1h 57m 21s

French documentary film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand with aerial footage from 54 countries, a depiction of how Earth's problems are all interlinked due to the pressure humanity has placed on the environment and the consequences of climate change.

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The Okinaway of Life

51m 24s

A wonderful journey in the heart of a legendary civilization that owns the world longevity record in good health. The archipelago of Okinawa, located in the Pacific Ocean at the very south of Japan sees its population with almost no diseases. What are the secrets of Okinawa’s inhabitants ? How can we live longer, happy and in good health ?

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