Results for «India»

¡Que te cases!

1h 30m

Kissy es una joven soltera hindú que vive con su pequeña hija, Meena, y con su hermana Sonal, en Berlín. Ajena totalmente a los convencionalismos y tradiciones de su cultura, se dedica en cuerpo y alma a su negocio familiar; un local -convertido en cafetería- heredado de su fallecida madre.

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Lámparas de Fuego

56m 56s

A portrait on the unknown life and work of the Majorcan philologist, mystic and poet Joan Mascaró i Fornés, responsable for the translations from Sanskrit to English of the most important spiritual classics of the East such as the "Bhagavad Gita," the "Dhammapada," and of some of the major "Upanishads." Under the theme of «unity in diversity», Mascaró defended the need to establish a bridge of dialogue between civilizations.

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Kunkoo Falsificado

14m 59s

En una ciudad que alberga a millones de personas, Smita se encuentra luchando contra bestias de un tipo diferente, al descubrir un extraño requisito previo para alquilar una casa en la clase media de Mumbai. Ella sería una inquilina ideal, excepto por un defecto evidente. Es una mujer india de clase media sin marido. Una perspectiva íntima sobre la «mujer india ideal» de la India urbana.

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Reportero En Tiempos de Crisis - Egipto / Babilonia, Entre Guerras y Dioses

53m 38s

A reporter of war goes on his own through the 7 continents in the middle of the biggest conflicts and humanitarian crises that have changed humanity in these past 7 years. The technological revolution (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube …) becomes a political and social revolution. The “Arab Spring” opens the way to “Indignados” ecological awareness is awakened to the danger and nuclear contamination, women, youth, ethnic and religious minorities rise against the immorality of power systems.

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Reportero En Tiempos de Crisis - Tailandia y el Budismo: Entre el Islam y el Cristianismo

53m 32s

A reporter of war goes on his own through the 7 continents in the middle of the biggest conflicts and humanitarian crises that have changed humanity in these past 7 years. The technological revolution (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube …) becomes a political and social revolution. The “Arab Spring” opens the way to “Indignados” ecological awareness is awakened to the danger and nuclear contamination, women, youth, ethnic and religious minorities rise against the immorality of power systems.

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Reportero En Tiempos de Crisis - Ucrania y Rusia

54m 25s

A reporter of war goes on his own through the 7 continents in the middle of the biggest conflicts and humanitarian crises that have changed humanity in these past 7 years. The technological revolution (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube …) becomes a political and social revolution. The “Arab Spring” opens the way to “Indignados” ecological awareness is awakened to the danger and nuclear contamination, women, youth, ethnic and religious minorities rise against the immorality of power systems.

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