Results for «war»

Cold War Peacemaker: Story of the Convair B-36

56m 03s

Cold War Peacemaker is the amazing and unique story of the development of the B-36 very-long-long-range nuclear bomber. From its beginnings during WWII, through construction in a former wild-west cattle town and deployment into the Cold War, the story of the Convair B-36 and how it intimidated the Soviet Union is a fascinating study in politics and technology.

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Reportage series - S01 E02 - War Lords

51m 24s

Somalia has the perfect ecosystem for endless war: European mercenaries, pirates, Al Qaeda jihadists, weapon smugglers, drought and hunger. We enter an absurd, anarchic reality where warlords will switch allegiances to gain security and stability, again to make profit and perhaps again for religious conviction.

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Reportage series - S01 E02 - War Lords

51m 24s

Somalia has the perfect ecosystem for endless war: European mercenaries, pirates, Al Qaeda jihadists, weapon smugglers, drought and hunger. We enter an absurd, anarchic reality where warlords will switch allegiances to gain security and stability, again to make profit and perhaps again for religious conviction.

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Reportage series - S01 E02 - War Lords

51m 24s

Somalia has the perfect ecosystem for endless war: European mercenaries, pirates, Al Qaeda jihadists, weapon smugglers, drought and hunger. We enter an absurd, anarchic reality where warlords will switch allegiances to gain security and stability, again to make profit and perhaps again for religious conviction.

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Reportage series - S01 E09 - Walking on Bombs

51m 13s

Afghanistan is full of landmines, which emerged as the most lethal weapon used against North American military forces and their allies. We travel to the south of the country – the most dangerous zone – to enter the world of bomb disposal officers; men and women that walk on bombs. None of them match the stereotype seen in The Hurt Locker and none of them are adrenalin junkies. In their own words, this is the quickest way of getting killed in Afghanistan. War is over but the bombs remain.

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Finding Fidel

55m 06s

Finding Fidel tells the remarkable story of war cameraman Erik Durschmied, who in 1958 journeyed to Cuba’s Sierra Maestra mountains to interview a little-known rebel leader named Fidel Castro. A month later, Castro’s band of fighters rolled into Havana, and the world would never be the same.

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Bakur : Inside the PKK

1h 32m 26s

Shot in secret, BAKUR: Inside the PKK is the worlds first documentary made with inside access to the Kurdish separatist group, who are considered a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the US and NATO. The result is an inside look at the undeclared war going on in Turkey for decades. This was the first time any film crew had ever accessed these camps.

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Along Gaddafi's Road

1h 24m 09s

For the first time in 42 years, a camera enters Southern Libya in what was forbidden territory under the Gaddafi regime. Shortly after Gaddafi’s demise, we accompany members of the disgraced Tabu tribe along the road to their impoverished desert territory near the Algeria-Niger-Chad borders 1000 Km from Tripoli.

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Afghan Memento

53m 43s

In 1988, Olivier Brodard -a twenty one year old idealist- made a six-month humanitarian trip to Afghanistan under Soviet occupation with $50,000 in his backpack destined for the local populations. When Olivier reluctantly returned home to Switzerland, he had a terrible car accident. After weeks in a deep coma, he woke up with severe amnesia and the new challenge of rebuilding his life.

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Ciudad sin Sueño

20m 16s

"A City Without Dreams" takes place between Beirut (Lebanon) and Aleppo (Syria) and talks about the lost dreams of an entire Syrian generation in these two cities.

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Alto el Fuego

21m 06s

More than 50 years of armed conflict among the FARC, the ELN, paramilitary groups and the Colombian government have left behind eight million victims. During this time, thousands of minors have been part of the armed groups. They are also consider victims because their childhood is always going to be linked to a weapon; the jungle was their home and the battalion, their family.

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Hélène Berr: A Young Woman in Occupied Paris

52m 19s

April 1942, Hélène Berr, a 21-year-old student and a brilliant violonist, begins keeping a journal. She tells with great accuracy about the noose tightening: having to wear the yellow star, the Vel d’Hiv roundup, the daily consequences of the anti-Jewish law passed by the Vichy Government. Arrested with her parents, detained in the camp of Drancy and deported to Auchwitz on March 27th 1944, Hélène died in Bergen-Belsen at the age of 24.

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La guerra empieza aqui

1h 04m 29s

The action of a firefighter in the Port of Bilbao, by refusing to participate in a shipment of weapons to massacre the population of Yemen, initiates a social movement that will unveil the dark interests and implications of this trade.

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Air Force : The Sky Warriors

1h 29m 47s

Elite corps of the French army, 56,000 men make up the ranks of the top secret Air Force. What are the precise missions of these soldiers? Air defense, public service missions, operations abroad: yesterday in Ivory Coast, they ensured the safety of the inhabitants during the crisis which divided the country. Today in Mali, they are an integral part of Operation Serval.

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A l'école de l'engagement : Les Parachutistes

50m 40s

In order to adapt to the forms of combat that appeared in the early 2000s, specific training centers for those engaged were created. Paratroopers from the four components of the French Army receive intense training at the Airborne Troop School (ETAP) in Pau, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Trainees agreed to be filmed.

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The Black Tears of the Sea – The Lethal Legacy of Wrecks

52m 12s

More than 70 years after the end of World War II an oppressive legacy from the past overshadows the future: ships sunken in the war rusting on the seabed. They pose a threat that is still completely ignored. Lying on the seabed are 6,300 wrecks which together contain an estimated 1.5 to 12 billion litres of oil.The question is: how long will the oil stay inside? It’s a journey that takes us back into history, on perilous salvaging missions, to the ocean bed, and into laboratories.

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The Black Tears of the Sea – The Lethal Legacy of Wrecks

52m 12s

More than 70 years after the end of World War II an oppressive legacy from the past overshadows the future: ships sunken in the war rusting on the seabed. They pose a threat that is still completely ignored. Lying on the seabed are 6,300 wrecks which together contain an estimated 1.5 to 12 billion litres of oil.The question is: how long will the oil stay inside? It’s a journey that takes us back into history, on perilous salvaging missions, to the ocean bed, and into laboratories.

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51m 49s

Civilian suffering and shortages didn’t stop as through by magic with the end of the war in 1945: the reconstruction process took many years to complete.In Caen, one of the cities worst affected by bombing, wartime and post-war children look back on a time of hardship, but also of hope and solidarity.

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First World War and graphic novels

52m 30s

Where do the soul-searching images of the First World War come from? Not merely telling the war, but seeing it, showing it in flesh and blood: this is what graphic novels offer us today. Exploring archives and history, the authors in this program converse with the depth of Time. They make First World War live again in our imagination: their drawings are more than strokes. These major artists have made the War the main subject of their graphic tales.

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First World War and graphic novels

52m 30s

Where do the soul-searching images of the First World War come from? Not merely telling the war, but seeing it, showing it in flesh and blood: this is what graphic novels offer us today. Exploring archives and history, the authors in this program converse with the depth of Time. They make First World War live again in our imagination: their drawings are more than strokes. These major artists have made the War the main subject of their graphic tales.

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First World War and graphic novels

52m 30s

Where do the soul-searching images of the First World War come from? Not merely telling the war, but seeing it, showing it in flesh and blood: this is what graphic novels offer us today. Exploring archives and history, the authors in this program converse with the depth of Time. They make First World War live again in our imagination: their drawings are more than strokes. These major artists have made the War the main subject of their graphic tales.

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First World War and graphic novels

52m 30s

Where do the soul-searching images of the First World War come from? Not merely telling the war, but seeing it, showing it in flesh and blood: this is what graphic novels offer us today. Exploring archives and history, the authors in this program converse with the depth of Time. They make First World War live again in our imagination: their drawings are more than strokes. These major artists have made the War the main subject of their graphic tales.

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51m 13s

In the 1970s, a hit soap opera broadcast on the leading Russian state channel, "17 Moments of Spring", served up Soviet propaganda during the Cold War. Stierlitz, the hero of the series, became incredibly famous in Russia and was the antithesis of James Bond, who promoted Western values.

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51m 13s

In the 1970s, a hit soap opera broadcast on the leading Russian state channel, "17 Moments of Spring", served up Soviet propaganda during the Cold War. Stierlitz, the hero of the series, became incredibly famous in Russia and was the antithesis of James Bond, who promoted Western values.

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Inspiring Women - Audrey Hepburn

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Time Capsule 69

45m 47s

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of many extraordinary events that occurred in 1969, a polarizing year that changed the world forever. To commemorate the iconic year, Sabbatical Entertainment presents Time Capsule ’69. We travel to the past to witness how history was transformed and relive unforgettable events such as Woodstock Festival, The Beatles last performance, Pelé's 1,000th goal, as well as the first man to set foot on the moon.

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Empire Games - S01 E06 - The Celts: Magic and Brutality

48m 35s

At their height of power the Celtic Empire stretched over the ancient world from Ireland and Britain to Turkey and Czechoslovakia, from Belgium to Spain and Italy. They sacked Rome, invaded Greece, and even attempted to conquer the Pharaohs of Egypt. Yet theirs was an empire without an emperor, a civilization that encompassed the continent but had no central government. The religion of the Celts, led by a priesthood known as the Druids, was described by ancient writers as crude and violent.

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Empire Games - S01 E02 - The Greeks: Gods, Triumph and Tragedy

48m 47s

In the fifth century BC an obscure people banded together to repel an invasion by the most powerful army in the world. The Greeks incredible victory over Persia launched their quest for Empire. Along the way they laid the foundations of Western thought and literature. These revolutionary ideas were spread to the ends of the Earth by the most feared military commander of the ancient world… Alexander the Great!

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m 49s

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m 49s

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m 49s

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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My War

1h 37m 22s

Attention shocking documentary! My War tells the daily life of Westerners who joined the Kurdish forces to fight Daesh in Syria. Need Glory? Adrenaline? Why leave a peaceful life to go to hell?

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A Desert Between Us and Them | Episode 3 | The Raiders

49m 31s

Explore the war of 1812 in this historical documentary. In the fall of 1814, Governor Cass and General McArthur plan a total militarized destruction of Upper Canada’s Western Frontier. Peace comes as the refugee camps at Burlington Heights become increasingly desperate and the British government is flooded with War Claims.

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A Desert Between Us and Them | Episode 2 | The Traitors

48m 11s

Explore the war of 1812 in this historical documentary. The majority of settlers on Upper Canada’s Western Frontier were born in the United States. While most residents try to avoid the conflict, some will choose to aid the Americans and die for their disloyalty at the hands of the British.

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The Coming War on China

1h 52m 39s

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia.

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The Coming War on China

1h 52m 39s

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia.

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The Coming War on China

1h 52m 39s

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia.

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1h 00m 03s

War/Peace tells the story of the radical student activists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who founded the anti-Vietnam war group "The Weathermen" at the University of Michigan in 1969 and who's members carried out two dozen bombings of government building including an attempt to bomb the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, several major banks and police stations through out the US.

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1h 00m 03s

War/Peace tells the story of the radical student activists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who founded the anti-Vietnam war group "The Weathermen" at the University of Michigan in 1969 and who's members carried out two dozen bombings of government building including an attempt to bomb the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, several major banks and police stations through out the US.

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Monsieur Mayonnaise

58m 01s

Australian artist and film-maker, Philippe Mora, investigates his father’s clandestine role in the French Résistance in WWII and his mother’s miraculous escape en route to Auschwitz. Philippe, a Hollywood cult-horror movie director and pop-artist, adopts a Film Noir persona to tell his family’s story.

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Monsieur Mayonnaise

58m 01s

Australian artist and film-maker, Philippe Mora, investigates his father’s clandestine role in the French Résistance in WWII and his mother’s miraculous escape en route to Auschwitz. Philippe, a Hollywood cult-horror movie director and pop-artist, adopts a Film Noir persona to tell his family’s story.

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Spring 1941

1h 36m 10s

Successful doctor Artur Planck, his wife Clara and their two daughters are seeking shelter from Germans storming Poland. They find a safe house in the farm of Emilia, their local grocer who is all alone after her husband fought for his country and never returned.

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Spring 1941

1h 36m 10s

Successful doctor Artur Planck, his wife Clara and their two daughters are seeking shelter from Germans storming Poland. They find a safe house in the farm of Emilia, their local grocer who is all alone after her husband fought for his country and never returned.

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Lest We Forget What?

57m 03s

Lest we forget what on Anzac Day? Mythology? Or history? Kate Aubusson goes on a quest asking is it just sepia-tinted anecdotes of ANZAC spirit and derring-do or the real stories of ANZACS and WW1 based on fact and evidence?

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Lest We Forget What?

57m 03s

Lest we forget what on Anzac Day? Mythology? Or history? Kate Aubusson goes on a quest asking is it just sepia-tinted anecdotes of ANZAC spirit and derring-do or the real stories of ANZACS and WW1 based on fact and evidence?

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46m 28s

On the 8th June 1982, at the height of the Falklands War, 53 men lost their lives and hundreds were injured in Argentine air attacks on British ships Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram. 32 of those men were Welsh Guards - some of them no more than boys.

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No Place to Hide

51m 30s

"They took us to a small house. There they tore off our clothes and raped my friend and me. I was only 17 years old and still a virgin”, says Joari. The shocking thing: Joari and her friend were allegedly raped by the people who were meant to protect her: UN peacekeepers. 20,000 UN peacekeeping troops were sent to bring stability to the Eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a war is raging between rebels and government forces.

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No Place to Hide

51m 30s

"They took us to a small house. There they tore off our clothes and raped my friend and me. I was only 17 years old and still a virgin”, says Joari. The shocking thing: Joari and her friend were allegedly raped by the people who were meant to protect her: UN peacekeepers. 20,000 UN peacekeeping troops were sent to bring stability to the Eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a war is raging between rebels and government forces.

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No Place to Hide

51m 30s

"They took us to a small house. There they tore off our clothes and raped my friend and me. I was only 17 years old and still a virgin”, says Joari. The shocking thing: Joari and her friend were allegedly raped by the people who were meant to protect her: UN peacekeepers. 20,000 UN peacekeeping troops were sent to bring stability to the Eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a war is raging between rebels and government forces.

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CIA vs KGB: Battleground Berlin

52m 34s

For 50 years, Berlin was the symbol of the Cold War. The city at the heart of the intelligence war between the US and the Soviet bloc. Thousands of KGB or CIA, agents observed each other, cogs in the biggest information war in history. But the war between the secret services was one dimension of a much larger conflict. A confrontation that almost boiled over just under the surface of the cold war. Economic pressures, secret diplomacy and espionage were the hallmarks of this hidden war.

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Erdogan, the rise to absolute power

52m 29s

The documentary tells the story of the slow transformation of a man. Once democratic and pro-European, he is now a reactionary head of state with autocratic aims. From the abrupt cessation of Turkey's EU accession talks in 2010 to the colossal purges destabilizing the country today, we are studying the implementation of a ruthless strategy aimed at making the Turkish president the new Sultan of the Middle East.

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Erdogan, the rise to absolute power

52m 29s

The documentary tells the story of the slow transformation of a man. Once democratic and pro-European, he is now a reactionary head of state with autocratic aims. From the abrupt cessation of Turkey's EU accession talks in 2010 to the colossal purges destabilizing the country today, we are studying the implementation of a ruthless strategy aimed at making the Turkish president the new Sultan of the Middle East.

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Putin, master of the game

52m 02s

Five years ago, in 2012, Russia was a second-rate power surrounded by the expanding NATO alliance. Putin was destabilized since his controversial reelection triggered waves of protest. Yet he turned out to be a brilliant strategist, exploiting the weaknesses of the West and positioning himself as the main player in international affairs.

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Love, hate & propaganda : the war on terror EP 2

42m 03s

The 9-11 attacks on America left its citizens in a state of shock. President George W. Bush responded by declaring "war on terror". This two-part documentary looks at the role propaganda played leading up to 9-11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a story of hearts and minds won and lost on a battlefield that has no boundaries.

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Love, hate & propaganda : the war on terror EP 1

42m 19s

The 9-11 attacks on America left its citizens in a state of shock. President George W. Bush responded by declaring "war on terror". This two-part documentary looks at the role propaganda played leading up to 9-11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a story of hearts and minds won and lost on a battlefield that has no boundaries.

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ANZACS, in the face of war

51m 58s

ANZACS In the Face of War' presents a cultural snapshot of of Australia and New Zealand at the outbreak of war. The legacy of WWI the shared experiences and expectations of WWII. Including ANZAC history/background; portrait of a Nation; mobilisation and defence, under attack, relief in sight and presents Heroes in focus.

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Bashar Al Assad: The Master of Chaos

55m 00s

This documentary probes the life of Syria's despot, Bashar al-Assad. The country has been in the grip of a bloody civil war for more than six years, and although he's faced challenges from ISIS, the refugee crisis, and foreign governments calling for his removal, Bashar has stayed true to his one goal: to perpetuate his relentless power over Syria.

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Reagan vs. Gorbachev: Duel at the top

54m 52s

When they first met in 1985, tensions were running high, and the world acclaimed Reagan and Gorbatchev as peace-makers. Yet neither of them was seeking peace; rather each wanted to outdo the other by any means necessary. Nonetheless they ended up making peace, courageously and often in opposition to their own camps, even their own ideas.

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30 Years of Darkness

55m 07s

Nominated for the Best Documentary Award at the 2012 Goyas, this is the unbelievable story of Manuel Cortés, the ‘mole of Mijas’. When the Spanish civil war ended and the borders closed, hundreds of people were forced to go into hiding to escape Franco’s repression. They lived for decades, hidden under floorboards or in holes behind walls in their own home, knowing they could be discovered at any time.

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Gulliver's Travels

1h 16m 15s

In 1726, Lemuel Gulliver arrives to Lilliput, He wonder to lied down on the beach to sacrifice looks a great royal court to save the world.

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Black Sunday

42m 08s

A detailed report of the Holocaust in Romania. During World War II, two trains were loaded with Jews. Where they will be taken? To their deaths. Four survivors of Romanian Holocaust tell us what happened in Iasi during the Pogrom, a horror which took place on June 29, 1941. Over 13,000 people died in that single day, a day which has become known as Black Sunday in remembrance of those who lost their lives.

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Mata Hari: The Naked Spy

1h 18m 09s

A hundred years ago, Mata Hari faced the firing squad as a convicted German spy. Was she a dangerous spy, whose boldness and sexuality threatened the establishment, or a victim entangled in a climate of blame and desperation as WWI dragged on? How much of what we know about her is just myth? New documents reveal startling truths about her life.

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Mata Hari: The Naked Spy

1h 18m 09s

A hundred years ago, Mata Hari faced the firing squad as a convicted German spy. Was she a dangerous spy, whose boldness and sexuality threatened the establishment, or a victim entangled in a climate of blame and desperation as WWI dragged on? How much of what we know about her is just myth? New documents reveal startling truths about her life.

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Cold War Secrets: Stealing the Atomic Bomb

52m 29s

On the 29th of August 1949, the USSR set off their first atomic bomb, just four years after the Americans. The speed with which they achieved this surprised the world. What nobody knew was that it was the result of espionage implemented at the heart of the United States. Stalin was able to obtain all the nuclear discoveries made by scientists who worked on the famous Manhattan Plan. At the centre of the operation was a very unusual female spy, Elizabeth Zaroubin.

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Cold War Secrets: Stealing the Atomic Bomb

52m 29s

On the 29th of August 1949, the USSR set off their first atomic bomb, just four years after the Americans. The speed with which they achieved this surprised the world. What nobody knew was that it was the result of espionage implemented at the heart of the United States. Stalin was able to obtain all the nuclear discoveries made by scientists who worked on the famous Manhattan Plan. At the centre of the operation was a very unusual female spy, Elizabeth Zaroubin.

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