Results for «migration»

The Egret

48m 15s

Every year from late March to early April, large migrating flocks of egrets and herons arrive from Japan and settle in North East China to nest, mate and rear their young.

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The Egret

48m 15s

Every year from late March to early April, large migrating flocks of egrets and herons arrive from Japan and settle in North East China to nest, mate and rear their young.

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Australian Penguins

52m 02s

Little Penguins are the smallest penguin in the world and are the only species that live and breed in Australia. This documentary focuses on the penguin colony that live on Western Australia's, Penguin Island. The island's Discovery Centre houses a small group of rescued penguins, which have either been injured, orphaned or abandoned as chicks. Australian Penguins gives an insight into their amazing stories of survival and all the funny things this group of Little Penguins get up to.

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La Pemba torna a Goli

53m 16s

Pemba is a Himalayan Sherpa, however, she has never climbed a mountain; she is a folk singer who fled Nepal years ago due to the civil war in the 1990s, and that now has a new life in Spain. Twenty years later, Pemba decides to return to her hometown, Goli, a tiny village located in the heart of the Himalayas to organize a concert and discover what remains of the paradise where she grew up.

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Chinese Merganser

48m 46s

A survivor from the third Ice Age some 10 million years ago, the Chinese merganser is the world's oldest species of wild duck. Despite having survived when many other species did not, the merganser is now facing the threats of global warming and human encroachment.

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No Place to Hide

51m 30s

"They took us to a small house. There they tore off our clothes and raped my friend and me. I was only 17 years old and still a virgin”, says Joari. The shocking thing: Joari and her friend were allegedly raped by the people who were meant to protect her: UN peacekeepers. 20,000 UN peacekeeping troops were sent to bring stability to the Eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a war is raging between rebels and government forces.

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No Place to Hide

51m 30s

"They took us to a small house. There they tore off our clothes and raped my friend and me. I was only 17 years old and still a virgin”, says Joari. The shocking thing: Joari and her friend were allegedly raped by the people who were meant to protect her: UN peacekeepers. 20,000 UN peacekeeping troops were sent to bring stability to the Eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a war is raging between rebels and government forces.

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Reportage series - S01 E07 - Riding the Beast

52m 41s

The Beast is the train running through Mexico that everyday carries Central American migrants who dream of a better life in the United States. The reality is that on this most dangerous of journeys, the threat of kidnap, rape, violence and murder is constant as carrying their worldly belongings makes them an obvious target for gangs.

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Ciudad sin Sueño

20m 16s

"A City Without Dreams" takes place between Beirut (Lebanon) and Aleppo (Syria) and talks about the lost dreams of an entire Syrian generation in these two cities.

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Health Undocumented (Salud sin papeles)

1h 24m

Sparked by backlash to a neo-Nazi rally and a stream of strict anti-immigrant laws passing in the state of Arizona, a group of activists organizes to build Phoenix Allies for Community Health, a unique free clinic serving undocumented immigrants. The film follows their journey, delves into the heart and history of the clinic, and chronicles the poignant stories of undocumented patients as well as their courage and resilience.

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Bad Hombres

53m 52s

A dutch film maker, married to a Nicaraguan, sets himself a goal of finding out what kind of people is risking life trying to emigrate over the borders to USA, and if some of the reach the American dream.

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57m 12s

Over a thousand migrants have drowned in the Mediterranean this year, trying to make it to Europe. When Frontex reduced EU coastguard missions, the charities were forced to step in. But this year, NGO rescue ships find themselves unable to operate, accused of running a ‘taxi service’ for smugglers. In this powerful and moving film, we follow the NGO rescue ship ‘Iuventa’, bought and operated by the Jugend Rettet network of young Europeans who challenge the idea of ‘Fortress Europe’.

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