Results for «home tv»

Birth Wars

1h 13m

Told through deeply personal stories in the trenches of the healthcare sector, “Birth Wars” chronicles a power struggle between doctors and midwives in Mexico about whose vision of childbirth should prevail.

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Birth Wars

1h 13m

Told through deeply personal stories in the trenches of the healthcare sector, “Birth Wars” chronicles a power struggle between doctors and midwives in Mexico about whose vision of childbirth should prevail.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E09 - Detox, to kill your hangover

36m 09s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E08 - Be alive and be present

52m 28s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E07 - Yoga for couples

34m 09s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E06 - The athlete awakens

55m 16s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E05 - Reveal your feminity

52m 14s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E04 - Reveal your essence

56m 46s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E03 - For a strong and flexible back

58m 40s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E02 - Align with nature

51m 04s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E10 - Yoga to relax after work

36m 59s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Fresh Yoga, with Katy Misson - S01 E01 - Welcome yourself in this new day

37m 54s

This sophisticated and professional TV Series is a simple, easy and most of all a fun way to practice Yoga. Each episode is related and attached to our daily routine. Katy is a physiotherapist and a posturologist. Her knowledge of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics allow her to develop an unique style combining her medical background with the expression of yoga. These two aspects underlie her teaching style encouraging the mind, body and heart’s alignment.

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Design for you - S2E8 - Industrial Home

24m 01s

Explore industrial interior design styles. Our design makers Mike Made This give us a glimpse of their wood and steel furniture. Then our featured guest Shruthi Nair of Propertuity takes us deeper into what defines the industrial home.

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Design for you - S2E5 - Introducing Color

21m 51s

Design For You explores ways of introducing colour into the home. Cathrin Bolt takes us through a “colour splash” inspired interior. Makers of Stuff presents their inspiring product range and Vintage Vista shares their colour palette in an open plan home.

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Design for you - S2E10 - What About The Walls?

21m 00s

Go bold in the color choices for your home. Leighton Clapton shares his color choices in one of his interiors. Our design maker gives us a glimpse of their vibrant prints and Derrick Tabbert gives us a visual understanding of the term ‘accent color’.

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Eyengui, the God of Dream

1h 25m

This is not fiction, it’s crude reality. This film tells a true story about the customs, problems and enigmas, of one of the most primitive ethnic groups on the planet- the Baka pygmies - as they fight to maintain their way of life. In the depths of the jungle of south-east Cameroon, recreating the scene, we see how a woman and her daughter are kidnapped by sorcerers for the start of a cannibal ritual, the woman is petrified, her face a mask of terror.

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Inspiring Women - Paulina Rubio

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Inspiring Women - Oprah Winfrey

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Inspiring Women - Lady Gaga

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Inspiring Women - Kate del Castillo

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Crazy for Madonna

43m 05s

A biography of a universal icon of music and Hollywood, Madonna, better known as the Queen of Pop. Sabbatical Entertainment celebrates Madonna’s illustrious career spanning more than four decades, always pushing the boundaries of entertainment. Not afraid of controversy, the Material girl, through her talents, redefined and reshaped pop culture history.

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Andy Warhol, Fluorescent

42m 37s

A documentary on the legendary creator and victim of pop art. Warhol, revolutionary and controversial, was never afraid to break the mold and reshape the reals of art, advertising, and directing. But who was the real man being behind the colors in which he hid? Was it the art or the fame that controlled and spawned his unique creativity? Sabbatical Entertainment takes an in-depth look at the life and works of Andy Warhol.

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Swamp Zombies 2

1h 13m

The hottest reality TV Show in the world, "Lucky Stiffs", is about to get even more hot. Contestants from all over the globe try to win big cash prizes and fame by competing on the show against each other and survive the shows "stars"...zombies!!. However, there's a problem, a renegade contestant ("Mouse") is trying to expose the show as unethical and the show's producer's are grasping at straws to find Mouse.

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Swamp Zombies 2

1h 13m

The hottest reality TV Show in the world, "Lucky Stiffs", is about to get even more hot. Contestants from all over the globe try to win big cash prizes and fame by competing on the show against each other and survive the shows "stars"...zombies!!. However, there's a problem, a renegade contestant ("Mouse") is trying to expose the show as unethical and the show's producer's are grasping at straws to find Mouse.

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Seeing Evil

1h 31m

A homeless man is struck by lightning and finds himself with the blessing of increased intelligence and the curse of seeing evil entities everywhere he goes.

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Welcome to The Big Issue TV!

2m 45s

Since 1991, The Big Issue has been supporting Britain’s homeless and vulnerably housed by helping them to rebuild their own pathways to a better future. The large and diverse network of street vendors sell the weekly magazine, which covers a wide range of topics from the environment and politics to social activism, finance, culture, health and technology.

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Almost Perfect Crimes S03E02: The Rodez Rumourmill

52m 01s

Rodez, 1817, the public prosecutor Antoine Bernardin Fualdes is discovered floating in the Aveyron waters. France is in the heart of the restoration period, and the struggle between imperialists and Bonapartists is burning on. There are many scores yet to be settled. Fualdes’ trial is the first one in which the media are invited to report the investigation. Rumors and fake confessions are everywhere as the sordid circumstances of his murder come out bit by bit.

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Death in León Episode Two: 7 years

1h 06m

Seven years before the crime, Isabel Carrasco comes to power in León. At the same time, Triana Martínez, a young telecommunications engineer, started work in the provincial council. The relationship between the two is very good until one day, all of a sudden, everything changes. In the trial, Triana reveals the reason for the fall out: she rejected Isabel’s sexual advances. Triana loses her job in the council. Isabel uses her influence to damage her career for years.

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Death in León Episode Three: 10 hours

1h 07m

No one understands the involvement of the local policewoman, and Triana’s friend, Raquel Gago. The prosecution is convinced that she was part of the plan, but she maintains her innocence. The defence calls up two police inspectors as witnesses. They are accused of misleading the defendants and lying in their testimonies. Serious suspicions emerge surrounding the police investigation which had been heavily politicized. The testimonies are over and the jury goes out to deliberate.

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Death in León Episode Four: Life After

59m 15s

The jury finds the three defendants guilty of murder. The prosecutor’s case wins. Isabel Carrasco’s memory becomes increasingly distant in León; no one wants to look back. The three defendants are pinning all of their hopes on the Supreme Court. At the last minute, the filmmakers discover something that was never investigated by the police. A political shadow hangs over the investigation once again.

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Almost Perfect Crimes S03E03: The Bloody Hostel

52m 17s

Jean-Antoine Angelras is found dead by the river, he was killed by a blow to the head but who did it? Set in a country where people say winter lasts 9 months a year and that the other 3 months are like hell is the Peyrbeilles hostel; now known as the bloody hostel. The bloody hostel massacre has inspired a lot of films and books. The 600 square metre hostel was built in 1820 and was owned by farmer Pierre Martin. He was an ambitious man and possibly a murderer.

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Death in León Episode One: 3 minutes

1h 01m

Leon, 12th of May 2014. Isabel Carrasco, the president of the provincial government of Leon, is murdered in broad daylight in the centre of Leon. Feared and hated for her autocratic rule, many people wanted her dead. Two women were quickly arrested, mother and a daughter, Montserrat González and Triana Martínez. The following day a local policewoman, Raquel Gago, handed in the murder weapon and she too was arrested. All three women were charged with the murder of Isabel Carrasco.

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Guns in the USA: Child's play?

50m 25s

Every day in the USA, 9 children are shot and killed. Some die in high profile mass killings splashed across the media but many are killed in tragic domestic accidents involving the family arsenal. More and more American children are being given guns for their birthday or for Christmas. Despite the increasing numbers of grieving families the powerful gun lobby continues encouraging citizens to arm themselves.

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Food Patriots

1h 13m

Many consumers are concerned about the disconnect between food and health. Touched by their high school football player son’s battle with an antibiotic resistant super-bug filmmakers Jeff and Jennifer Spitz take a closer look at what is in their food and what anyone can do to make healthier choices in their own homes, schools and communities. This film shows how one family tries to shift away from fast, processed food-like substances and toward more fresh, local and organic choices.

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Food Patriots

1h 13m

Many consumers are concerned about the disconnect between food and health. Touched by their high school football player son’s battle with an antibiotic resistant super-bug filmmakers Jeff and Jennifer Spitz take a closer look at what is in their food and what anyone can do to make healthier choices in their own homes, schools and communities. This film shows how one family tries to shift away from fast, processed food-like substances and toward more fresh, local and organic choices.

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