Results for «Coast»

Bondi Forever

1h 43m

Bondi Forever is an entertaining and engaging journey from Bondi Beach’s past to its present, exploring the emergence of Bondi from a tranquil beachside suburb to one of the most recognised places on earth. Full of colourful characters and rich history, Bondi is no ordinary beach; over the years it has shaped Australia’s lifestyle, its culture and the way Australia is viewed as a nation throughout the world.

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Sessions: Duranbah

4m 17s

D'Bah is the most consistent wave on the east coast of Australia and is regularly used as a training ground for the biggest names in surfing. Here we have evidence why.

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Let's Go Get Small

34m 30s

Let´s Go Get Small’ features freeskier Dave Treadway as he, together with Henrik Windstedt, venture way out into the Canadian coast range on snowmobiles. Their mission? To explore. To simply see what’s on the other side of the next mountain. To see what’s possible on skis. Watch them push limits in order to explore the unexplored, all while feeling really small in the vast territory that surrounds them.

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Maritime Fortress, the Last Walls

55m 16s

They stand watch along the French coast like guardians of the seas from an ancient time. Like the castles that punctuate the territory, the naval forts are the clearly visible vestiges of a time when France had to protect itself from foreign invasions...In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when the great naval powers such as the Netherlands and England were equipping themselves with ever more powerful warships and the oceans were veritable battlefields, France had to defend its coasts.

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Chris Dennis - Between Worlds

44m 55s

Born and raised in a rural village on the north-eastern coast of Trinidad, Chris Dennis has a dream: to become a world-recognised surfer. His considerable talent has taken him far, but to become one of the top 100 in his sport, this young man of modest means will need more than just his natural ability. Does Chris have what it takes to go all the way, or is he fated to remain between worlds?

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