Results for «Bird»

Chinese Merganser

48m 46s

A survivor from the third Ice Age some 10 million years ago, the Chinese merganser is the world's oldest species of wild duck. Despite having survived when many other species did not, the merganser is now facing the threats of global warming and human encroachment.

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Breathtaking Kakadu

9m 14s

Australia's Kakadu is a glorious untouched wonderland. Billabongs, birds and crocodiles abound, join a local family as they hunt in this breathtaking wilderness.

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Australia's Wonderful Wildlife

14m 13s

Kangaroos, koalas, dingoes and platypus just a few of the uniquely Australian wildlife species that call Australia home. See them in their natural habitat when you watch Australia's Wonderful Wildlife.

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Australia's Most Beautiful Birds

13m 59s

Australia is a country with a huge population of birds, some 800 species in fact. The variety is endless, from tiny honey eaters to the large emu and cassowary. Watch some amazing footage of just some of Australia's most beautiful birds.

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Owl's Odyssey

48m 11s

When a female barn-owl's home - an old disused barn - is demolished, she has to seek a new place to live. On the way, flying through forests and across grasslands, she encounters most of the common owl species in Central Europe: long- and short- eared owls, little, tawny and eagle owls, some she can live peace- fully beside, others she must shun or risk becoming their prey. During her journey, the film shows how owls fly so silently and hunt so efficiently.

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The Egret

48m 15s

Every year from late March to early April, large migrating flocks of egrets and herons arrive from Japan and settle in North East China to nest, mate and rear their young.

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The Egret

48m 15s

Every year from late March to early April, large migrating flocks of egrets and herons arrive from Japan and settle in North East China to nest, mate and rear their young.

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Circus in the Sky

52m 11s

Birds of prey make some of the most impressive appearances in the sky. But eagles and hawks aren’t the typical hunters circling around fields: kites and harriers are the most fascinating. With acrobatic aerial plays, they look for partners. And sliding calmly over open areas, they go hunting. Human-made landscape changes, and hence declining numbers of mice and hamsters, put their mesmerizing aerial performances at risk. Yet, thanks to remarkable adaptability, they are once again on the ascent.

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Beak & Brain - Genius Birds from Down Under

52m 04s

These child prodigies of the animal kingdom have feathers and beaks – and very special skills! The Keas of New Zealand like testing their brains and challenging tourists: they unscrew bottle-tops and tear open rucksacks. In New Caledonia crows are able to produce a whole set of tools, each designed for a particular purpose – the most intricate tool culture in the animal kingdom! These high flyers compete against each other: Keas vs Crows - the ultimate avian I.Q. test, with surprising results.

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Antarctica - Tales from the End of the World

51m 41s

The Antarctic region is undoubtedly one of the most remote and inhospitable, yet one of the most beautiful landscapes of the world. This documentary takes us on a journey to the stormy isolated islands of the Southern Ocean. Seals, penguins, seabirds and other animals live and breed in this hostile environment and harsh climate. Only by an icebreaker can we reach the remote coasts of the Antarctic continent where Emperor Penguins defy the life-threatening environment at the end of the world.

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Antarctica - Tales from the End of the World

51m 41s

The Antarctic region is undoubtedly one of the most remote and inhospitable, yet one of the most beautiful landscapes of the world. This documentary takes us on a journey to the stormy isolated islands of the Southern Ocean. Seals, penguins, seabirds and other animals live and breed in this hostile environment and harsh climate. Only by an icebreaker can we reach the remote coasts of the Antarctic continent where Emperor Penguins defy the life-threatening environment at the end of the world.

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Animal Society - Episode 3

23m 43s

We explore the Animal Kingdom and look closely at how animal tribes/families live together. The family dynamic – the role of mum and dad, the competition and bonding between the offspring, when do they leave their patch/home to start their own ? We see common themes in how animal families work and live together, protect each other and then go off to fend for themselves across a range of species.

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Emptying the Skies

1h 17m

Based on an essay written by noted best-selling novelist Jonathan Franzen for The New Yorker, ‘Emptying the Skies’ chronicles the rampant poaching of migratory songbirds in southern Europe. Songbird populations have been drastically declining for several decades, and a number of species face imminent extinction. The film explores the wonder of these tiny globe-flying marvels, millions of which are unlawfully slaughtered each year for large sums on the black market.

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Emptying the Skies

1h 17m

Based on an essay written by noted best-selling novelist Jonathan Franzen for The New Yorker, ‘Emptying the Skies’ chronicles the rampant poaching of migratory songbirds in southern Europe. Songbird populations have been drastically declining for several decades, and a number of species face imminent extinction. The film explores the wonder of these tiny globe-flying marvels, millions of which are unlawfully slaughtered each year for large sums on the black market.

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