Results for «Baby»

The Breast Milk Boom

52m 29s

The film presents the latest research into the subject of breast milk, shows what scientists are currently working on and asks which breast milk secrets will be revealed next.

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Predict My Future - Our Genes and Us - Making it in a Tough Environment

45m 01s

The Dunedin Study has identified a fundamental developmental mechanism that completely rewrites the nature versus nurture argument. It is a genetic switch which is thrown by life events – nature loads the gun but nurture pulls the trigger. This episode tracks the hunt for the mechanism using three specific examples - violence in men, depression, & cannabis induced schizophrenia.

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Dream Babies

52m 24s

Thanks to major achievements in science some aspects of procreation, which were considered as science fiction in the past, are now a possibility. A baby with 3 biological parents, In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer, genetic engineering, choice of the genre or the eyes colors... our dream baby is becoming a reality.

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Dream Babies

52m 24s

Thanks to major achievements in science some aspects of procreation, which were considered as science fiction in the past, are now a possibility. A baby with 3 biological parents, In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer, genetic engineering, choice of the genre or the eyes colors... our dream baby is becoming a reality.

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The Curious Mind Episode 3

49m 17s

Our brain is always making decisions - Nigel explores how it does this, and if we can help it to make better ones? Is it possible to change the brain we’re born with to a supercharged brain?

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The Curious Mind Episode 3

49m 17s

Our brain is always making decisions - Nigel explores how it does this, and if we can help it to make better ones? Is it possible to change the brain we’re born with to a supercharged brain?

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The Curious Mind Episode 2

47m 37s

The traditional narrative is that humans are selfish. If pushed, the story goes, we look after ourselves first and others later. In this episode we see how modern neuroscience has blown that myth apart. Connecting with other people is one of the most important functions of the human brain. Which is why our brain constantly pushes us towards other brains, because it knows that connecting with other humans is the single best thing that we have going for us.

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The Curious Mind Episode 2

47m 37s

The traditional narrative is that humans are selfish. If pushed, the story goes, we look after ourselves first and others later. In this episode we see how modern neuroscience has blown that myth apart. Connecting with other people is one of the most important functions of the human brain. Which is why our brain constantly pushes us towards other brains, because it knows that connecting with other humans is the single best thing that we have going for us.

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The Curious Mind Episode 1

46m 21s

In the first episode we explore the apparently very simple question: What is your brain? This is something humans have been struggling to understand for millennia, and science for several decades. We’re still a long way from knowing everything, but the things we’ve discovered so far are literally astounding.

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The Curious Mind Episode 1

46m 21s

In the first episode we explore the apparently very simple question: What is your brain? This is something humans have been struggling to understand for millennia, and science for several decades. We’re still a long way from knowing everything, but the things we’ve discovered so far are literally astounding.

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