Results for «tv mini series»

Almost Perfect Crimes S03E02: The Rodez Rumourmill

52m 01s

Rodez, 1817, the public prosecutor Antoine Bernardin Fualdes is discovered floating in the Aveyron waters. France is in the heart of the restoration period, and the struggle between imperialists and Bonapartists is burning on. There are many scores yet to be settled. Fualdes’ trial is the first one in which the media are invited to report the investigation. Rumors and fake confessions are everywhere as the sordid circumstances of his murder come out bit by bit.

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Death in León Episode Two: 7 years

1h 06m 34s

Seven years before the crime, Isabel Carrasco comes to power in León. At the same time, Triana Martínez, a young telecommunications engineer, started work in the provincial council. The relationship between the two is very good until one day, all of a sudden, everything changes. In the trial, Triana reveals the reason for the fall out: she rejected Isabel’s sexual advances. Triana loses her job in the council. Isabel uses her influence to damage her career for years.

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Death in León Episode Three: 10 hours

1h 07m 44s

No one understands the involvement of the local policewoman, and Triana’s friend, Raquel Gago. The prosecution is convinced that she was part of the plan, but she maintains her innocence. The defence calls up two police inspectors as witnesses. They are accused of misleading the defendants and lying in their testimonies. Serious suspicions emerge surrounding the police investigation which had been heavily politicized. The testimonies are over and the jury goes out to deliberate.

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Death in León Episode Four: Life After

59m 15s

The jury finds the three defendants guilty of murder. The prosecutor’s case wins. Isabel Carrasco’s memory becomes increasingly distant in León; no one wants to look back. The three defendants are pinning all of their hopes on the Supreme Court. At the last minute, the filmmakers discover something that was never investigated by the police. A political shadow hangs over the investigation once again.

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Almost Perfect Crimes S03E03: The Bloody Hostel

52m 17s

Jean-Antoine Angelras is found dead by the river, he was killed by a blow to the head but who did it? Set in a country where people say winter lasts 9 months a year and that the other 3 months are like hell is the Peyrbeilles hostel; now known as the bloody hostel. The bloody hostel massacre has inspired a lot of films and books. The 600 square metre hostel was built in 1820 and was owned by farmer Pierre Martin. He was an ambitious man and possibly a murderer.

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Death in León Episode One: 3 minutes

1h 01m 40s

Leon, 12th of May 2014. Isabel Carrasco, the president of the provincial government of Leon, is murdered in broad daylight in the centre of Leon. Feared and hated for her autocratic rule, many people wanted her dead. Two women were quickly arrested, mother and a daughter, Montserrat González and Triana Martínez. The following day a local policewoman, Raquel Gago, handed in the murder weapon and she too was arrested. All three women were charged with the murder of Isabel Carrasco.

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