Results for «theism»

Science Vs. God Season 1 Episode 1 - The Cosmos

52m 27s

Its origin shrouded in mystery, operating according to its own laws, described with the precision of mathematics, there is nothing as impressive as the cosmos. Life on earth is supported by forces finely tuned to an astonishing degree. So is it all luck? Or does the evidence suggest something more behind our ordered universe? In this episode atheism and theism are on a collision course. Where does the truth lie?

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Mysterious Jerusalem

50m 11s

If the sources related to the mysteries and the history of Jerusalem are essentially based on the Bible and on archaeological discoveries with controversial interpretations, there is a kind of established unity between the mythological beginnings and the historical times. In this film, we revisit mysteries while bringing new informations.

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Mysterious Holy land

51m 11s

This movie brings us on the tracks of antique and mysterious stories, in places where extraordinary events and miracles would have happened in Holy land like the fortress of Masada, the Milk Grotto... Why did it take so long to decifer the Qumran’ manuscrits? Do they contain secrets that should be not be revealed to the public? what really happened during the siege of Massada? There are so many secrets to discover, this film takes a step further in the search for the hitsoric truth.

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