Results for «robots»

A place in space

53m 15s

Neil Armstong in 1969 was the first and, Eugene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, was the last man to leave his footprints on the moon in 1972. He believed “Man would be on his way to Mars by the turn of the century…” Instead, 40 years later, it is “Curiosity” and “Opportunity”, two robots, who are roaming the surface of Mars today.What happened to the astronauts’ dream to return to the moon, set foot on Mars and go further still?

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A place in space

53m 15s

Neil Armstong in 1969 was the first and, Eugene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, was the last man to leave his footprints on the moon in 1972. He believed “Man would be on his way to Mars by the turn of the century…” Instead, 40 years later, it is “Curiosity” and “Opportunity”, two robots, who are roaming the surface of Mars today.What happened to the astronauts’ dream to return to the moon, set foot on Mars and go further still?

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The Age of Robots - Bioinspired Robots

52m 08s

Mankind has always looked at nature to solve problems, taking a cue from the solutions that biological systems have refined through natural selection. In this episode we look at a robotic plant that mimics the mechanics of plant roots, and dive underwater to see robots inspired by fish.

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Robots: A Brave New World?

50m 08s

An industrial revolution is under way. Super-intelligent robots are carrying out ever more complex tasks. In Saudi Arabia, some have evolved so much that they have acquired the status of citizen! But workers are struggling to find their place in this new world and even the creators suspect that robots are destroying more jobs than they create. Is society prepared for such upheavals?

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