Results for «ours»

Grainger's world - On thin ice

53m 21s

With predictions of polar bears being extinct in 50 years, ON THIN ICE follows bears as they emerge from their dens and navigate their rapidly changing environment. ON THIN ICE shows how the frozen expanses of the Arctic are shrinking at an unprecedented rate, with the very survival of the polar bear literally on thin ice.

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34m 58s

A solo bicycle and surfing journey across Bali, Nusa Lembogan, Lombok and Sumbawa. Sendiri is the Indonesian word for ‘By yourself or Alone’. Dylan decides to continue his and Rians original journey (‘Eat.Sleep.Surf’) that finished in 2009, cycling further east from Bali and exploring Nusa Lembogan, Lombok and West Sumbawa.

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As You Are

52m 46s

Is it more difficult to pretend or be yourself? What does it mean to be normal? And what happens when you find yourself different and you tell it to others and to your family? The documentary pictures the lives of six people, their sufferings and their hopes, including intolerances, pride, prejudices, desire for marriage and unfinished wishes of maternity and paternity.

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As You Are

52m 46s

Is it more difficult to pretend or be yourself? What does it mean to be normal? And what happens when you find yourself different and you tell it to others and to your family? The documentary pictures the lives of six people, their sufferings and their hopes, including intolerances, pride, prejudices, desire for marriage and unfinished wishes of maternity and paternity.

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