Results for «nature»

China's Hidden Monkeys

52m 06s

In Shangri-La, the remote mountains of southwest China, live one of the most remarkable, elusive and endangered primates in the world. CHINA'S HIDDEN MONKEYS will give viewers their first look at the living link between monkeys and apes.

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39m 37s

This riveting documentary film explores the issues of loss of ecologically sensitive lands and the place and future of zoos in the twenty first century. The story revolves around the expansion plans of the Oakland Zoo into the ecologically sensitive park lands of beautiful Knowland Park. One of the many ironies revealed in this film is the Oakland's Zoo's intention to build a native California exhibit by destroying irreplaceable native Californian lands.

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Wild About | Episode 13

24m 44s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 12

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 11

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 10

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 09

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 08

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 07

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 06

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 05

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 04

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 03

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 02

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Wild About | Episode 01

24m 34s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating documentary format. This series is a detailed journey into the life and defining traits of some of the worlds most majestic and curious animals. Lions, Sharks, Snakes, Bears, Spiders, Alligators and much more.

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Les derniers traqueurs australiens

50m 32s

Trackers have been around for centuries and when the police realized that it would be interesting to put them to use in tracking escaped and missing persons, Australia was still a British penal colony. Featured in this film will be some of the last great trackers of the outback. We will bring their most dramatic stories to life by recreating their gripping adventures deep in the unknown corners of the Australian Outback, in search of the soon-to-be lost Aboriginal art of the tracker.

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On the Wild Side

58m 19s

What drives people all over the world to hunt animals, often driving them towards extinction? How does hunting affect our relationship with nature and impact fragile ecosystems? And how do hunting lobbies influence law makers and the media?Through the personal story of one ex-hunter, ’On The Wild Side’ unites the global anti-hunting movement, while also providing an overview of hunting throughout history.

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Plastic Everywhere

51m 29s

Plastic is both a marvel and hellish stuff. On the one hand, it can be used in a variety of ways and is inexpensive. However, it is responsible for a global environmental problem. Plastic is everywhere: as a trash vortex in the ocean and as a microplastics in our food chain. This documentary addresses the question of why mankind has not come up with a solution for this problem yet.

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Nature's Keepers Ireland

52m 30s

Nature’s Keepers features stunning high definition shots of 40+ distinct environments – coral reefs, tropical forests, marshlands, savannah, mangroves and more. Exploring our planet’s greatest natural treasures, it clearly demonstrates the very real threats to precious places and endangered. Encouragingly it also outlines amazingly high tech preservation schemes and profiles the passionate ‘guardians’ committed to preserving them.

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Nature's Keepers Denmark

52m 22s

Nature’s Keepers features stunning high definition shots of 40+ distinct environments – coral reefs, tropical forests, marshlands, savannah, mangroves and more. Exploring our planet’s greatest natural treasures, it clearly demonstrates the very real threats to precious places and endangered. Encouragingly it also outlines amazingly high tech preservation schemes and profiles the passionate ‘guardians’ committed to preserving them.

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1h 05m

Food production has increasingly become a huge business for a handful of giant corporations. SOYALISM follows the industrial production chain of pork and the related soybean monoculture, from China to Brazil through the United States and Mozambique. This eye-opening documentary describes the enormous concentration of power in the hands of these Western and Chinese companies and the impact this is having on the food we consume.

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1h 05m

Food production has increasingly become a huge business for a handful of giant corporations. SOYALISM follows the industrial production chain of pork and the related soybean monoculture, from China to Brazil through the United States and Mozambique. This eye-opening documentary describes the enormous concentration of power in the hands of these Western and Chinese companies and the impact this is having on the food we consume.

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1h 05m

Food production has increasingly become a huge business for a handful of giant corporations. SOYALISM follows the industrial production chain of pork and the related soybean monoculture, from China to Brazil through the United States and Mozambique. This eye-opening documentary describes the enormous concentration of power in the hands of these Western and Chinese companies and the impact this is having on the food we consume.

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Nature's Keepers Florida

52m 03s

Nature’s Keepers features stunning high definition shots of 40+ distinct environments – coral reefs, tropical forests, marshlands, savannah, mangroves and more. Exploring our planet’s greatest natural treasures, it clearly demonstrates the very real threats to precious places and endangered. Encouragingly it also outlines amazingly high tech preservation schemes and profiles the passionate ‘guardians’ committed to preserving them.

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Nature's Keepers Australia

52m 28s

Nature’s Keepers features stunning high definition shots of 40+ distinct environments – coral reefs, tropical forests, marshlands, savannah, mangroves and more. Exploring our planet’s greatest natural treasures, it clearly demonstrates the very real threats to precious places and endangered. Encouragingly it also outlines amazingly high tech preservation schemes and profiles the passionate ‘guardians’ committed to preserving them.

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Waiting for Elephants

49m 51s

In this French film, uncover the world of the remaining forest elephants that live in the lush jungles of Gabon. Victims of poachers for their highly prized ivory, these reclusive creatures are enchanting. But can they be saved from those who prey on them?

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Waiting for Elephants

49m 51s

In this French film, uncover the world of the remaining forest elephants that live in the lush jungles of Gabon. Victims of poachers for their highly prized ivory, these reclusive creatures are enchanting. But can they be saved from those who prey on them?

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Waiting for Elephants

49m 51s

In this French film, uncover the world of the remaining forest elephants that live in the lush jungles of Gabon. Victims of poachers for their highly prized ivory, these reclusive creatures are enchanting. But can they be saved from those who prey on them?

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 9

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 8

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 7

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 6

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 5

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 4

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 3

52m 01s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 2

52m 01s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 10

52m 00s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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ALERT - Threatened species EP 1

52m 01s

Nowadays we are witnessing the most rapid rate of extinctions since the end of the dinosaur era. Fortunately, on all continents, defenders of nature have decided to act. They struggle on a daily basis for the survival of the world’s fauna. This handful of nature lovers is struggling fiercely to save them.

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Nature's classroom : an Australian outback adventure

52m 42s

Esther and Myrdhin are the daughter and son of film-making couple, Myriam and Luc. Mum is a biologist and an ethologist. Dad has been filming wildlife all over the planet for more than 20 years and, one day, realised that he couldn't enjoy his profession and see his kids growing up at the same. For a few months, Myriam and Luc have decided to swap Europe for Africa and Australia and for a living classroom without walls, in direct contact with nature.

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Animal Society - Episode 13

23m 43s

We explore the Animal Kingdom and look closely at how animal tribes/families live together. The family dynamic – the role of mum and dad, the competition and bonding between the offspring, when do they leave their patch/home to start their own ? We see common themes in how animal families work and live together, protect each other and then go off to fend for themselves across a range of species.

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Animal Society - Episode 12

23m 43s

We explore the Animal Kingdom and look closely at how animal tribes/families live together. The family dynamic – the role of mum and dad, the competition and bonding between the offspring, when do they leave their patch/home to start their own ? We see common themes in how animal families work and live together, protect each other and then go off to fend for themselves across a range of species.

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Animal Instinct - Episode 12

24m 03s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating format. A beautiful collection of creatures great and small from across the planet. A relaxing easy to digest series suitable for the entire family - a feast for the eyes and ears. Brilliant images set to emotive music.

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Animal Instinct - Episode 11

23m 44s

Animals and nature instinctively brought together in a visually stimulating format. A beautiful collection of creatures great and small from across the planet. A relaxing easy to digest series suitable for the entire family - a feast for the eyes and ears. Brilliant images set to emotive music.

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Polar Bears: A Summer Odyssey

52m 07s

Polar Bears are well adapted for life in a frozen snow-covered environment. However, during summer and early fall, Hudson Bay is ice free. This film follows the bears throughout summer, unraveling the difficulties in their fight for survival at a time of plenty for all other Arctic inhabitants. By early July, the bears are cast ashore and live off resources acquired during the winter. Cubs born in December experience for the first time the explosion of life during the colourful Arctic summer.

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Banking Nature

1h 27m

We investigate the commercialization of the natural world. Protecting our planet has become big business with companies promoting new environmental markets. This involves species banking, where investors buy up vast swathes of land, full of endangered species, to enable them to sell 'nature credits'. Companies whose actions destroy the environment are now obliged to buy these credits and new financial centres have sprung up, specializing in this trade.

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Banking Nature

1h 27m

We investigate the commercialization of the natural world. Protecting our planet has become big business with companies promoting new environmental markets. This involves species banking, where investors buy up vast swathes of land, full of endangered species, to enable them to sell 'nature credits'. Companies whose actions destroy the environment are now obliged to buy these credits and new financial centres have sprung up, specializing in this trade.

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Pura Vida

44m 05s

Story of an incredible journey, from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean: over a period of 20 months, Hervé Neukomm covered 7,500 kilometers on 26 different rivers. In 2004, Hervé leaves Switzerland by bike to reach Tibet, but his journey takes another turn.

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Missing Butterflies

43m 31s

Butterflies are often synonymized with warm summer days, unspoiled nature and a healthy environment. Its miraculous transformation from caterpillar to remarkable winged beauty has been a point of constant intrigue. However, in the last few years, many have observed a decrease in the butterfly population. A much-discussed topic in the entomological society is the decline of the insect populace, but to what extent is this topic relevant to our beloved butterflies?

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 403

28m 00s

On a trip to Hawaii, Jonathan meets the critically endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal, then he travels to Bonaire to dive with a group of wounded veterans learning to dive. Finally, he participates in a fish census in Massachusetts.

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Blue World - Season 4, Episode 403

28m 00s

On a trip to Hawaii, Jonathan meets the critically endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal, then he travels to Bonaire to dive with a group of wounded veterans learning to dive. Finally, he participates in a fish census in Massachusetts.

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Symphony on Skis

1h 00m

An adventurous ski tour of two sisters, who follow the tracks of their father, across the pristine landscapes of New Zealand. 30 years ago, Gottlieb Braun-Elwert set out on an incredible expedition. He traversed the major glaciers of the Southern Alps, covering 40km and 4000 vertical meters, from the heart of the South Island to the West Coast in just 18 hours. A route of astonishing beauty, immense freedom, breathtaking vistas and dealing with the challenges of an untamed wilderness.

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Sidney's Aquarium

9m 47s

Sydney Aquarium is a well known attraction of tourists and locals. Home to more than six thousand species it's a fabulous way to spend a few hours in the harbour city.

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Australia's Camel Man

26m 05s

Afghan Willie explores the outback on his camel train, the limestone formations, the Pinnacles, of Western Australia, The Spirit of Aviation in Bundaberg, with a memorial to aviator Bert Hinkler.

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Dashi, essence of Japan

50m 15s

For centuries, the Japanese have learned to draw from the treasures of nature; their cuisine distills the very best from the country’s oceans, mountains and forests.

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8m 42s

World renowned for its pristine wilderness areas Tasmania is a superb place to enjoy the wonders of nature.

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11m 17s

The oceans around the coast of Australia are the perfect playground for many happy dolphins. This film shows interaction between these intelligent creatures and humans.

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Carers, Scarers & Catchers

27m 12s

In this special wildlife encounters episode of Travel Oz, the carers the scarers and the catchers. Seek out Aussie icons in the snow and on the beaches and track creatures from Kakadu to Australia’s sub Antarctic.

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Reportage series - S01 E11 - At Hell's Gate

42m 22s

In this episode we visit Kawah Ijen´s active volcano in Indonesia to investigate the labour conditions that miners bear everyday in extracting its sulphur. In the mouth of the volcano labourers carry upon their backs over 70 kilos of sulphur blocks, double their own weight. We follow the trail of these men - suffering the worlds worse working conditions – in to ‘the gates of hell’.

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Reportage series - S01 E11 - At Hell's Gate

42m 22s

In this episode we visit Kawah Ijen´s active volcano in Indonesia to investigate the labour conditions that miners bear everyday in extracting its sulphur. In the mouth of the volcano labourers carry upon their backs over 70 kilos of sulphur blocks, double their own weight. We follow the trail of these men - suffering the worlds worse working conditions – in to ‘the gates of hell’.

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The Yupiks prophecy

52m 35s

Decades before scientists called the world's attention to the imminent dangers of global warming, the elders of one of Alaska's last remaining indigenous communities, the Yupik people, warned their children: "When the world will change, the climate will change and then men will change ”.

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The Yupiks prophecy

52m 35s

Decades before scientists called the world's attention to the imminent dangers of global warming, the elders of one of Alaska's last remaining indigenous communities, the Yupik people, warned their children: "When the world will change, the climate will change and then men will change ”.

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Cultivating Murder

56m 00s

It was a brutal killing. On the 29th July, 2014, Australian state environment officer, Glen Turner, and his colleague stopped to take photos of some logged trees in a field. The land was owned by farmer, Ian Turnbull, who had already been prosecuted for illegal land clearing. Without warning, Turnbull appeared and started firing at them, shooting Turner twice.

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Cultivating Murder

56m 00s

It was a brutal killing. On the 29th July, 2014, Australian state environment officer, Glen Turner, and his colleague stopped to take photos of some logged trees in a field. The land was owned by farmer, Ian Turnbull, who had already been prosecuted for illegal land clearing. Without warning, Turnbull appeared and started firing at them, shooting Turner twice.

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The Last Nomads Iran

47m 13s

«The Last Nomads» features the greatest traditional journeys left on Earth as seen through the eyes of the people who still travel on them. From the Zagros Mountains of Iran to the frozen wastelands of northern Siberia, the Sahara to the Himalaya, these beautifully filmed documentaries give a unique insight into the very last human journeys still being travelled as they have been for thousands of years.

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Shoyu and the secrets of Japanese cuisine

49m 17s

The Japanese discovered that a humble mould spore could transform soya beans into ‘Shoyu’, the soy sauce that is a pillar of Japanese cuisine. Sprinkle it on rice and the rice changes into sake... This mould is a tiny organism called ‘Aspergillus oryzae’ and mysteriously, it exists only in Japan!

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Face to Face with a Giant Humpback

27m 57s

Greg Grainger has had a whale of a time in Hervey Bay, has swum with platypus in a rainforest creek, zip-lined through a colony of flying foxes, and followed a photographer around the lakes and rainforest of Fraser Island.

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Cairns - Healthy Reef

23m 32s

The Great Barrier Reef: In the aftermath of a mass bleaching of coral, Greg Grainger takes a series of dives along the northern sections of the Reef to find it has come back to life with a vengeance. Also a drive with Billy Tea Safaris through the Daintree Rainforest out to Cape Tribulation. Crocs, cassowarries and a cuppa.

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Breathtaking Kakadu

9m 14s

Australia's Kakadu is a glorious untouched wonderland. Billabongs, birds and crocodiles abound, join a local family as they hunt in this breathtaking wilderness.

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Australia's Wonderful Wildlife

14m 13s

Kangaroos, koalas, dingoes and platypus just a few of the uniquely Australian wildlife species that call Australia home. See them in their natural habitat when you watch Australia's Wonderful Wildlife.

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Australia's Most Beautiful Birds

13m 59s

Australia is a country with a huge population of birds, some 800 species in fact. The variety is endless, from tiny honey eaters to the large emu and cassowary. Watch some amazing footage of just some of Australia's most beautiful birds.

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Singapore, Asia

6m 05s

A lovely city, luxurious, clean and safe, how not to love Singapore ? Carolyne takes us to the Marina Bay Sands and Garden by the Bay and it is … wonderful !

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1h 17m

Independent documentary that addresses the different environmental problems in the north of Quintana Roo region, located in the Mexican Caribbean, caused by the rapid tourism development and uncontrolled population growth.

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