Results for «lines»

Trial & Error

1h 05m

Trial and Error is a fundamental method of solving problems. It is characterised by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success or until the agent stops trying. The season was dominated by new experiences, epic powder runs, major setbacks, injuries, awesome lines, annoying negotiations in foreign countries, lots of fun and pain.

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X Large

2h 15m

Magdy is an overweight man who suffers from loneliness, in spite of having many friends who prefer talking to him about their problems, his obesity makes them not think of him as a husband. But when he meets his childhood friend Dina, he tries to get closer to her but discovers that she took him as a case for her research in the University.

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Bali, building harmony

52m 26s

This documentary focuses on the relationship between the Balinese and their habitat. This is traditionally the foundation of the balance of life on earth. At a time when Bali is nibbling on land by real estate developers and proclaims itself as the number one tourist destination on Trip Advisor, is there any hope that its architectural heritage will survive?

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Bali, building harmony

52m 26s

This documentary focuses on the relationship between the Balinese and their habitat. This is traditionally the foundation of the balance of life on earth. At a time when Bali is nibbling on land by real estate developers and proclaims itself as the number one tourist destination on Trip Advisor, is there any hope that its architectural heritage will survive?

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