Results for «justice»

Health Undocumented (Salud sin papeles)

1h 24m

Sparked by backlash to a neo-Nazi rally and a stream of strict anti-immigrant laws passing in the state of Arizona, a group of activists organizes to build Phoenix Allies for Community Health, a unique free clinic serving undocumented immigrants. The film follows their journey, delves into the heart and history of the clinic, and chronicles the poignant stories of undocumented patients as well as their courage and resilience.

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First Year Out

1h 11m

Five former detainees were followed throughout their first year out of prison. Everyone tries to rebuild themselves in their own way, with ups and downs.

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USA: Locking up Children

54m 03s

The United States is the only UN member that has not ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits sentencing under 18s to the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. In states like Texas, 10 years olds can be sent to prison and children who commit a serious crime can be tried as adults and incarerated with them. It’s thought there are 10,000 Americans serving life sentences for crimes committed as a children.

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USA: Locking up Children

54m 03s

The United States is the only UN member that has not ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits sentencing under 18s to the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. In states like Texas, 10 years olds can be sent to prison and children who commit a serious crime can be tried as adults and incarerated with them. It’s thought there are 10,000 Americans serving life sentences for crimes committed as a children.

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Stranger than Fiction: the Nanny Killers

54m 33s

The murder of French au-pair Sophie Lionnet by her employers made headlines all over the world. From the horrible circumstances of her death, to the obsession of her killer with a pop-star ex-boyfriend and their crazy delusions of celebrity paedophile rings, it was a case that seemed too unbelievable to be true. It all began in Wimbledon, London, when a neighbour noticed black smoke coming out of a garden and called the fireman.

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Favela Frontlines

50m 26s

In this war, there are no winners. Through personal stories from people on both sides of the conflict and powerful footage, FAVELA FRONTLINES takes you straight to the heart of the battle between police and drug traffickers in Brazil. On average, one policeman is killed every two days. There are 60,000 homicides every year. Interspersed with the stories are interviews with judges, journalists, slum residents and historians.

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Crying for Justice

51m 18s

After 11 September 2001, the US government concludes secret agreements with European governments to fight terrorism. CIA will have powers to kidnap and torture suspects. It is a flagrant violation of international treaties and a slap to human rights. When the Washington Post revealed this secret pact in 2005, the Council of Europe instructs Swiss parliamentarian Dick Marty to investigate. This film is the story of this investigation.

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Crying for Justice

51m 18s

After 11 September 2001, the US government concludes secret agreements with European governments to fight terrorism. CIA will have powers to kidnap and torture suspects. It is a flagrant violation of international treaties and a slap to human rights. When the Washington Post revealed this secret pact in 2005, the Council of Europe instructs Swiss parliamentarian Dick Marty to investigate. This film is the story of this investigation.

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Shame penalties

58m 02s

In America, tough sheriffs and judges use shame penalties to punish convicted criminals. They claim these punishments act as a deterrent to others but critics say these penalties are demeaning and ineffective.

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Taboo - S01 E01 - Atonement

58m 58s

Villa Milagro – an isolated village in Florida – has a very particular census: all of its inhabitants have been prosecuted for sexual offenses, as its one of few places that meet sentencing requirements of being completely child-free. Jon Sistiaga enters their houses and discovers how the toughest laws in the world are applied to child abusers, and what kind of lives can they return to after concluding their sentences. A portrait emerges of a community united in shame and misery.

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Taboo - S01 E04 - Monster

49m 37s

Luis Alfredo Garavito – known as ‘The Monster’ – is by every measure the most feared and reviled murderer living today and perhaps ever to have ever lived . He has confessed to have killed, raped and tortured 140 children between the ages of 6 to 16 years old, though experts put the number at 172. He is currently imprisoned in a Colombian prison where Sistiaga, in scenes reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs, has gone to conduct an extended interview with him.

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24m 30s

In 1998, Zoilamerica accused her adoptive father of rape and sexual abuse. Almost 20 years later, she lives in exile while caring for her 10-year-old son. Her adoptive father is Daniel Ortega, leader of the Sandinista revolution and current president of Nicaragua.

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A Study in Scarlet

1h 09m

In London, a secret society led by lawyer Thaddeus Merrydew collects the assets of any of its deceased members and divides them among the remaining members. Society members start dropping like flies. Sherlock Holmes is approached by member James Murphy's widow, who is miffed at being left penniless by her husband.

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Taboo - S01 E02 - Perversion

43m 44s

Sweetie is a girl that lives in the Philippines. Her daily routine is to sit down in front of her computer and talk with men. Luckily, Sweetie is not real, it is a software created by a dutch foundation to hunt pedophiles. In this episode, filmed in Spain, Holland and the Philippines, Jon Sistiaga investigates the horrifying world of child pornography. We meet underaged webcam girls in the Philippines who, with their families support, fall victim to the Western demands for child pornography.

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Tokyo Trial : Judging Japan

56m 52s

The Tokyo Trial – or the "International Military Tribunal for the Far East" - had been convened in 1946 to prosecute the leaders of the Empire of Japan for war crimes. It was to be the Nuremberg trial of the Far East, decided upon by the Allies to avenge decades of misery and death. But it would prove to be divisive from the start, the more so, since each of the judges represented one of the nations which had been at war with Japan.

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Extreme Faces of Death

1h 10m

Details the history of the death sentence, featuring graphic scenes of executions from across the world. A shocking indictment against capital punishment. State-sponsored murder or justice. More than 26 million people have been executed since 1900. This documentary offers a rare insight into the rights and wrongs of the ultimate act of retribution. It chronicles its use in the 20th century and examines the tools of the executioner's grim trade.

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The Godfather

1h 02m

It has been 10 years since Antonino Belnome, 38-year-old Godfather and killer of the 'Ndrangheta, the bloody and powerful Calabrian mafia, changed his life becoming a collaborator of justice. With his testimonies he revealed unsolved crimes, buried corpses, dirty deals between weapons, drugs and corruption in the rich Northern Italy.

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The Godfather

1h 02m

It has been 10 years since Antonino Belnome, 38-year-old Godfather and killer of the 'Ndrangheta, the bloody and powerful Calabrian mafia, changed his life becoming a collaborator of justice. With his testimonies he revealed unsolved crimes, buried corpses, dirty deals between weapons, drugs and corruption in the rich Northern Italy.

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Reportage series - S01 E05 - No Country for Women

48m 44s

It’s one of the biggest economies in the world and one of the most powerful members of the G-20 club. But India is not a country for women. Every hour a woman is killed. Mothers will abort when they know the gender of the baby, and many women in India will suffer every kind of humiliation and violence.

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Reportage series - S01 E05 - No Country for Women

48m 44s

It’s one of the biggest economies in the world and one of the most powerful members of the G-20 club. But India is not a country for women. Every hour a woman is killed. Mothers will abort when they know the gender of the baby, and many women in India will suffer every kind of humiliation and violence.

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Reportage series - S01 E10 - How to Organise a Genocide

53m 40s

Rwanda is a country full of murderers, a fact evidenced by the million people who were killed with machetes over 3 months during the Rwandan genocide. We return twenty years on when many of the killers are starting to be released from prison and return to their homes and villages, and live amongst their victims; those who survived the slaughter hiding in swamps. We meet with both the victims and the perpetrators of a genocide, living side by side, which has not been forgotten...

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Reportage series - S01 E10 - How to Organise a Genocide

53m 40s

Rwanda is a country full of murderers, a fact evidenced by the million people who were killed with machetes over 3 months during the Rwandan genocide. We return twenty years on when many of the killers are starting to be released from prison and return to their homes and villages, and live amongst their victims; those who survived the slaughter hiding in swamps. We meet with both the victims and the perpetrators of a genocide, living side by side, which has not been forgotten...

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Reportage series - S01 E08 - Albino: A Story of Fear and Prejudice

53m 22s

In Tanzania, albino´s are feared and hated as many believe they are cursed and bring bad luck. As a result of these terrible superstitions they have become victims of mutilation and murder. To be born as an albino in certain places in Africa continues to be the worst sentence. Black magic rituals use their organs and witch doctors will pay high fees for their limbs. In this episode we meet with the victims of this heartbreaking reality and those who are trying to end these barbaric traditions.

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Reportage series - S01 E08 - Albino: A Story of Fear and Prejudice

53m 22s

In Tanzania, albino´s are feared and hated as many believe they are cursed and bring bad luck. As a result of these terrible superstitions they have become victims of mutilation and murder. To be born as an albino in certain places in Africa continues to be the worst sentence. Black magic rituals use their organs and witch doctors will pay high fees for their limbs. In this episode we meet with the victims of this heartbreaking reality and those who are trying to end these barbaric traditions.

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What Happened in Vegas

1h 41m

When TV editor Ramsey Denison was jailed for simply reporting police brutality on the Las Vegas strip, he was inspired to investigate the Las Vegas Police Department. His investigation would lead him right up to the biggest mass shooting in American history. In this damning exposé, he reveals that the police know more than they are letting on about what really happened at the Mandalay Bay Resort, where 59 people were killed.

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Free Men

1h 29m

Sentenced to death, many of us would give up on life. But from his death row cell, Kenneth Reams refuses to be limited. He falls in love with Isabelle, a French artist who wants to become his wife. Together they fight for justice for a murder he didn’t commit, at the same time arranging exhibitions of Kenneth's own art. Narrated by Reams, this doc profiles one prisoner's extraordinary struggle for freedom, justice and love against the odds.

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Free Men

1h 29m

Sentenced to death, many of us would give up on life. But from his death row cell, Kenneth Reams refuses to be limited. He falls in love with Isabelle, a French artist who wants to become his wife. Together they fight for justice for a murder he didn’t commit, at the same time arranging exhibitions of Kenneth's own art. Narrated by Reams, this doc profiles one prisoner's extraordinary struggle for freedom, justice and love against the odds.

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Cultivating Murder

56m 00s

It was a brutal killing. On the 29th July, 2014, Australian state environment officer, Glen Turner, and his colleague stopped to take photos of some logged trees in a field. The land was owned by farmer, Ian Turnbull, who had already been prosecuted for illegal land clearing. Without warning, Turnbull appeared and started firing at them, shooting Turner twice.

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Cultivating Murder

56m 00s

It was a brutal killing. On the 29th July, 2014, Australian state environment officer, Glen Turner, and his colleague stopped to take photos of some logged trees in a field. The land was owned by farmer, Ian Turnbull, who had already been prosecuted for illegal land clearing. Without warning, Turnbull appeared and started firing at them, shooting Turner twice.

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Europe: The Rise of the Extreme Right

1h 04m

The extreme right has won the European elections in France, Italy and Belgium and has gained about a quarter of MEPs in the new parliament. The xenophobia, patriarchy or authoritarianism that they preach are also present in the programs of parties that are not even considered ultra-right. Issues that were thought to be overcome, such as gender violence, the use of firearms or the death penalty, are being reintroduced into the debate.

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Europe: The Rise of the Extreme Right

1h 04m

The extreme right has won the European elections in France, Italy and Belgium and has gained about a quarter of MEPs in the new parliament. The xenophobia, patriarchy or authoritarianism that they preach are also present in the programs of parties that are not even considered ultra-right. Issues that were thought to be overcome, such as gender violence, the use of firearms or the death penalty, are being reintroduced into the debate.

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Europe: The Rise of the Extreme Right

1h 04m

The extreme right has won the European elections in France, Italy and Belgium and has gained about a quarter of MEPs in the new parliament. The xenophobia, patriarchy or authoritarianism that they preach are also present in the programs of parties that are not even considered ultra-right. Issues that were thought to be overcome, such as gender violence, the use of firearms or the death penalty, are being reintroduced into the debate.

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