Results for «healing»

Battle for Blood

52m 12s

Blood saves lives – for a long time, this has been accepted as a matter of course. However, scandals around contaminated blood donations have made many people feel uncertain about it. To resolve the doubts, scientists are working on finding a way to produce secure, artificial blood. Pioneers experiment with lugworms and stem cells to make industrial blood production possible in the future.

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Battle for Blood

52m 12s

Blood saves lives – for a long time, this has been accepted as a matter of course. However, scandals around contaminated blood donations have made many people feel uncertain about it. To resolve the doubts, scientists are working on finding a way to produce secure, artificial blood. Pioneers experiment with lugworms and stem cells to make industrial blood production possible in the future.

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Iron Heart

52m 54s

The first heart transplant conducted in 1967 was a breakthrough that would go on to save many lives. But those who get the organs are expected to have short lifespans. What can help in prolonging their lives? Amid the various challenges patients face, one man stands apart. Elmar Sprink completed a grueling triathlon two years after a heart transplant. What explains his exceptional health?

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