Results for «guns»

Come On In We're Dead

1h 26m 54s

The true story of the The Young Brothers Massacre, 1932. The record for the most lawmen shot dead in the history of the United States. 10 cops and one civilian in Springfield, Missouri went to arrest 2 small-time gangsters known as The Young Brothers. The young men (Harry, 25 and Jennings, 30) had been on the run for the murder of a town marshall 3 years earlier.

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91%: A Film About Guns in America

55m 33s

America’s 325 million residents own an estimated 347 million firearms. Not surprisingly, gun violence has become one of the most urgent public health issues facing Americans today.In 91%, a cross-section of U.S. gun violence victims tell their heartbreaking stories of loss, pain, and a heroic search for hope in a nation stalled in a senseless gun control debate. We find a common thread – the gunmen had all-too- easy access to high-powered weaponry.

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