Results for «friendship»

Backstreet Atlas

22m 26s

Zach was born in Boston, Adam in New York. They met over a decade ago through a shared love of skateboarding. One summer, they skated from Boston to New York. Using a network of friends, friends of friends, and strangers they skated from town to town and filmed everything along the way in order to rediscover their small part of the world. Backstreet Atlas is part documentary, part skate video, and part modern urban travelogue. Good trips, times, and people aren't hard to come by.

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Samadhi - We are the One

1h 48m

Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “we are one”. Through seven extraordinary stories of pure love and friendship, this film shows that the only existing barriers between humans and animals are actually those we have created ourselves. From the forests of Germany, where Tatjana was “adopted” by a pack of wolves, to the junglesof Borneo, where Shaulé’s best friend is a tiger, we will discover the magic of these unpredictable but deeply moving relationships.

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Ciudad sin Sueño

20m 16s

"A City Without Dreams" takes place between Beirut (Lebanon) and Aleppo (Syria) and talks about the lost dreams of an entire Syrian generation in these two cities.

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