Results for «environnement»

Solar Power - Dream or reality?

51m 02s

First developed in the 1950s by NASA for space exploration, solar energy was never really considered as a reliable source of energy for widespread use because of its high cost and limited output. But today, thanks to major cost reductions, advance in technology, and rise in oil prices, solar power has become a serious energy option for the future. But how can we apply it to our modern world in the most sensible way?

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Energie Solaire : Illusion ou Réalité ? (2ème partie - L'Afrique)

51m 02s

First developed in the 1950s by NASA for space exploration, solar energy was never really considered as a reliable source of energy for widespread use because of its high cost and limited output. But today, thanks to major cost reductions, advance in technology, and rise in oil prices, solar power has become a serious energy option for the future. But how can we apply it to our modern world in the most sensible way?

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Bugs: Nature's Little Superheroes

51m 55s

Think insects are a pest? Think again. This visually stunning science documentary shows how these tiny geniuses can help us solve some of science’s biggest problems – from producing biofuel to killing drug-resistant bacteria and curing cancer. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, making up more than 90% of the animals on Earth. They can be found on all continents, in all climates. Nature has equipped them with an amazing range of tricks.

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Bugs: Nature's Little Superheroes

51m 55s

Think insects are a pest? Think again. This visually stunning science documentary shows how these tiny geniuses can help us solve some of science’s biggest problems – from producing biofuel to killing drug-resistant bacteria and curing cancer. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, making up more than 90% of the animals on Earth. They can be found on all continents, in all climates. Nature has equipped them with an amazing range of tricks.

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Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up

52m 28s

With Donald Trump, an outmoded view of climate change has taken hold of the White House again. Great news for oil companies such as Exxon and Shell. They have been secretly financing scientific studies and campaigns, which are talking down climate change and have been influencing the public debate for 60 years. New documents prove that since 1957, these companies have known that burning fossil fuels changes the climate - their own, strictly secret research had revealed this.

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Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up

52m 28s

With Donald Trump, an outmoded view of climate change has taken hold of the White House again. Great news for oil companies such as Exxon and Shell. They have been secretly financing scientific studies and campaigns, which are talking down climate change and have been influencing the public debate for 60 years. New documents prove that since 1957, these companies have known that burning fossil fuels changes the climate - their own, strictly secret research had revealed this.

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Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up

52m 28s

With Donald Trump, an outmoded view of climate change has taken hold of the White House again. Great news for oil companies such as Exxon and Shell. They have been secretly financing scientific studies and campaigns, which are talking down climate change and have been influencing the public debate for 60 years. New documents prove that since 1957, these companies have known that burning fossil fuels changes the climate - their own, strictly secret research had revealed this.

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The Mermaids' Tears: Oceans of Plastic

53m 51s

Oceans are rapidly becoming the world’s rubbish dump. Every km of ocean now contains an average of 74,000 pieces of plastic. A ‘plastic soup’ of waste, killing hundreds of thousands of animals every year and leaching chemicals slowly up the food chain. In Holland, scientists researching the decline of the fulmar bird found plastic in the stomachs of 95% of all samples; In Germany, chemicals leached from plastic have been found to affect the reproductive systems of animals...

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Surviving the Fundy Footpath

24m 36s

Surviving the Fundy Footpath' is an adventure doc that follows mega-novice Bruce Persaud, a city slicker from Toronto, with zero camping experience, as he attempts to complete one of Canada's toughest multi-day hikes, the treacherous Fundy Footpath. Bruce was accompanied by a team of veteran guides including 70-year-old footpath founder Alonzo Leger, his son and current trail master, Marc Leger and locally famous environmental scientist Ben Phillips.

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Surviving the Fundy Footpath

24m 36s

Surviving the Fundy Footpath' is an adventure doc that follows mega-novice Bruce Persaud, a city slicker from Toronto, with zero camping experience, as he attempts to complete one of Canada's toughest multi-day hikes, the treacherous Fundy Footpath. Bruce was accompanied by a team of veteran guides including 70-year-old footpath founder Alonzo Leger, his son and current trail master, Marc Leger and locally famous environmental scientist Ben Phillips.

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