Results for «documentary»

Akelarre, the Construction of a Dream

38m 36s

"Akelarre, the Construction of a Dream" is a documentary that tells the realization of one of the great concerns of chef Pedro Subijana, the construction of a hotel around his famous three-star Michelin restaurant, Akelarre.

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Akelarre, the Construction of a Dream

38m 36s

"Akelarre, the Construction of a Dream" is a documentary that tells the realization of one of the great concerns of chef Pedro Subijana, the construction of a hotel around his famous three-star Michelin restaurant, Akelarre.

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CHARCO | Songs from the Río de la Plata

1h 17m

There is a place in the world where all music converges. The Río de la Plata is that region where completely different genres such as Tango, Rock, Candombe and Milonga meet, giving birth to what is known as the Rioplatense Song, our own unique music. This is the story we want to tell. Throughout musical meetings and chats with several referents of both shores, our leading man Pablo Dacal offers us a deep outlook into today’s musical scene.

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CHARCO | Songs from the Río de la Plata

1h 17m

There is a place in the world where all music converges. The Río de la Plata is that region where completely different genres such as Tango, Rock, Candombe and Milonga meet, giving birth to what is known as the Rioplatense Song, our own unique music. This is the story we want to tell. Throughout musical meetings and chats with several referents of both shores, our leading man Pablo Dacal offers us a deep outlook into today’s musical scene.

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CHARCO | Songs from the Río de la Plata

1h 17m

There is a place in the world where all music converges. The Río de la Plata is that region where completely different genres such as Tango, Rock, Candombe and Milonga meet, giving birth to what is known as the Rioplatense Song, our own unique music. This is the story we want to tell. Throughout musical meetings and chats with several referents of both shores, our leading man Pablo Dacal offers us a deep outlook into today’s musical scene.

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The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm

1h 03m

Can the soul of a killer linger forever? Filmmaker Dan T. Hall explores macabre shadows of the past as he documents the haunting of the infamous Fox Hollow Farm estate, former home of alleged serial killer Herb Baumeister. The paranormal documentary The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm.

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The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm

1h 03m

Can the soul of a killer linger forever? Filmmaker Dan T. Hall explores macabre shadows of the past as he documents the haunting of the infamous Fox Hollow Farm estate, former home of alleged serial killer Herb Baumeister. The paranormal documentary The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm.

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Ghost Stories 1 : Walking with the Dead

1h 05m

Walking with the Dead examines some of the most haunted places in the state of Indiana. See evidence of unexplainable paranormal events like visits from turn-of-the-century celebrities at Tuckaway House and appearances of Lady Rivoli at the Rivoli Theater.

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Siquier Blue

53m 59s

Carlos Pérez-Siquier (Almería, 1930) is a photographer who has spent his whole life dealing with the light and color of his homeland, a unique space to be captured by a camera. This documentary film tells the story of that human experience.

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1h 04m

In order to put together the rave & nightclub-inspired production of his dreams, French choreographer Anthony Egéa recruits a team of young dancers trained in drastically varied disciplines, from classical, to electro, to breakdance.

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1h 04m

In order to put together the rave & nightclub-inspired production of his dreams, French choreographer Anthony Egéa recruits a team of young dancers trained in drastically varied disciplines, from classical, to electro, to breakdance.

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War, lies and video

51m 49s

This documentary traces the path of the Bush administration's neoconservative strategy, with its economic and political fallout, to unleash what looks like a war of aggression.

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War, lies and video

51m 49s

This documentary traces the path of the Bush administration's neoconservative strategy, with its economic and political fallout, to unleash what looks like a war of aggression.

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First Year Out

1h 11m

Five former detainees were followed throughout their first year out of prison. Everyone tries to rebuild themselves in their own way, with ups and downs.

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Leather and Ink

1h 02m

Documentary that analyses the changes suffered in the sports press over the years. For a long time, journalists created a generation of sports fans, a generation that idolized athletes regardless of the jersey that they wore. This scenario nolongerexists, the media has shifted to a civil war that certainly has encompassed their readers. As if it were an old medieval epic, the media has exchanged to ball for blood.

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59m 51s

Havana is still alive. Its people are in the streets, in the squares, in the churches, in the parks, in dance halls, in schools. And it continues to transmit an inheritance made of laughter ancient, with African rhythms, with strong overtones. From Changó and Fidel.

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Taiko Film

1h 13m

Taiko Film is a documentary that introduces us to the enthralling world of Japanese Taiko. We will learn about its origins, history and evolution throughout centuries, its many applications and styles, its expansion to the world and its influence in modern culture, both Eastern and Western.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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The Codes of Chambord

52m 13s

500 years after it was built, this film tells a new story of the Castle of Chambord, showing the recent discoveries of two historians and revealing the secret codes hidden in the whole building.

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Brexit, The clock is ticking EP2

48m 59s

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since July 2019, wanted his country to leave the European Union, without fail, on October 31, 2019...While the prospect of a new (and third) postponement of this deadline emerges in the interest of avoiding a "no deal", the film looks back on eighteen months of tensions in the footsteps of the European negotiator Michel Barnier, at the heart of the negotiations for the biggest divorce in history.

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Brexit, The clock is ticking EP1

51m 26s

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since July 2019, wanted his country to leave the European Union, without fail, on October 31, 2019...While the prospect of a new (and third) postponement of this deadline emerges in the interest of avoiding a "no deal", the film looks back on eighteen months of tensions in the footsteps of the European negotiator Michel Barnier, at the heart of the negotiations for the biggest divorce in history.

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Exploitation Hotel: The Kellys

54m 59s

More than 200.000 women work as cleaning ladies in Spain, but they are as fundamental as they are invisible in the hospitality industry. In October 2016, the Kellys (las que limpian in Spanish) decided to get organized to fight for their rights. They have been victims of outsourcing and many of them have lost their jobs in the hotels, without any rights and vulnerable to being fired when they get medical leaves.

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Exploitation Hotel: The Kellys

54m 59s

More than 200.000 women work as cleaning ladies in Spain, but they are as fundamental as they are invisible in the hospitality industry. In October 2016, the Kellys (las que limpian in Spanish) decided to get organized to fight for their rights. They have been victims of outsourcing and many of them have lost their jobs in the hotels, without any rights and vulnerable to being fired when they get medical leaves.

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Bali, building harmony

52m 26s

This documentary focuses on the relationship between the Balinese and their habitat. This is traditionally the foundation of the balance of life on earth. At a time when Bali is nibbling on land by real estate developers and proclaims itself as the number one tourist destination on Trip Advisor, is there any hope that its architectural heritage will survive?

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Bali, building harmony

52m 26s

This documentary focuses on the relationship between the Balinese and their habitat. This is traditionally the foundation of the balance of life on earth. At a time when Bali is nibbling on land by real estate developers and proclaims itself as the number one tourist destination on Trip Advisor, is there any hope that its architectural heritage will survive?

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Ready to Fly

1h 12m

This is the story of world ski jumping champion, Lindsey Van, and her teammates, who took on the IOC in an epic battle to get women’s ski jumping recognized as an Olympic sport. Since she started ski jumping at the age of seven, Van dreamed of winning an Olympic medal. By the time the Olympics came to her home country of Canada in 2010, she had already won countless competitions, including 13 national championships, and was setting records that beat even the men’s.

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Ready to Fly

1h 12m

This is the story of world ski jumping champion, Lindsey Van, and her teammates, who took on the IOC in an epic battle to get women’s ski jumping recognized as an Olympic sport. Since she started ski jumping at the age of seven, Van dreamed of winning an Olympic medal. By the time the Olympics came to her home country of Canada in 2010, she had already won countless competitions, including 13 national championships, and was setting records that beat even the men’s.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 8 : Places with healing power

25m 58s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 7 : Ancient Megastructures

25m 54s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 6 : Paranormal Activities

25m 53s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 4 : Supernatural Abilities

26m 20s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 3 : Sacred Buildings

26m 01s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 2 : Mysterious Creatures

26m 13s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 1 : Extra Terrestrial

26m 19s

An immersion in the world of unresolved secrets, the world of mysterious phenomena and circumstances with countless attempts to remove the veil of mystery. People without Identities, Mysterious Works of Art, Nature’s Magic, unsolved disappearances, medical mysteries – these subjects and more are uncovered in this great countdown series.

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COUPLES & DUETS - Jean Harlow & William Powell

25m 30s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Jane Russell & Howard Hugues

25m 00s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Gary Cooper & Patricia Neal

24m 37s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Ernst Lubitsch & Pola Negri

25m 17s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford

25m 08s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - David W. Griffith & Lilian Gish

25m 12s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Cecil B de Mille & Gloria Swanson

25m 08s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Carole Lombard & Clark Gable

28m 26s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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COUPLES & DUETS - Bette Davis & William Wyler

25m 05s

A reference collection on Hollywood movie legend couples! Whether romantic or purely professional, the relationships between actors, actresses, directors and producers have given rise to exceptional encounters and stories! 50 episodes on the most famous duets of American cinema!

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Welcome to Angkar

49m 43s

This documentary film tells the saga of Thell, a 28-year-old Cambodian, snatched from her home by the Khmer Rouge, and a survivor of the Cambodian genocide (1975-1979).The director uses the camera and a pencil to redraw these fragments of history, resurrecting them to recount the horrors endured and to fly the flag of freedom.

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54m 32s

This first and only documentary about the 48 year-old italian director Paolo Sorrentino shows how in films which mix reality and fantasy he has created his own particular world and become the award-winning star of contemporary italian cinema

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Post Mortem and Other Small Hassles

56m 44s

Family company 'Vita', implanted in the suburbs of Lyon, is specialized in cleaning up places where were found dead bodies, filthy apartments and other pests. Christophe Mercier, head manager, decided a few years ago to develop a specific human remains cleaning protocol. His team faces sickening mells, human rubbishes and lives with death. A documentary about dealing with death in the Western culture.

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Tornado hunters 2

1h 13m

This documentary follows the scientific journey of 4 French hunters who travelled Tornado Alley for a month between the 8th of May and June 6th, 2015. Their aim was not only to chase tornadoes, but, first and foremost, to meet the scientists and the many people who, in the heart of America, are trying to predict these events and protect the population from the force and suddenness of the most violent weather phenomenon on the planet.

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Tornado hunters 2

1h 13m

This documentary follows the scientific journey of 4 French hunters who travelled Tornado Alley for a month between the 8th of May and June 6th, 2015. Their aim was not only to chase tornadoes, but, first and foremost, to meet the scientists and the many people who, in the heart of America, are trying to predict these events and protect the population from the force and suddenness of the most violent weather phenomenon on the planet.

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Roller Coasters

55m 35s

The incredible giant iron skeletons that populate amusement parks defy the laws of physics for millions of passengers each year across the globe.Starting with the first attractions in Russia 4 centuries ago, this documentary traces the historical and technological evolution of these “terror tracks”, which are constantly evolving in order to generate new and extreme levels of excitement.

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Roller Coasters

55m 35s

The incredible giant iron skeletons that populate amusement parks defy the laws of physics for millions of passengers each year across the globe.Starting with the first attractions in Russia 4 centuries ago, this documentary traces the historical and technological evolution of these “terror tracks”, which are constantly evolving in order to generate new and extreme levels of excitement.

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52m 42s

The aim of this animal documentary with a dramatic narrative is to show us the wild animals living in our cities and the reasons for their presence in these urban environments through the eyes of a humanised cat.Misty is a middle-class alley cat. From season to season, he roams the city in search of different species of urban, wild animals. From rats, mice, magpies and crows, predators and opportunists.

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Horizontal Snow

27m 28s

Adventures and explorations in Himalaya and Canadian Great North. A documentary series drove by Jean Troillet, the Swiss mountain guide and veteran climber who made the achievement to climb 10 peaks over 8000 metres without oxygen.

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Death Penality

1h 39m

Death Penalty is a documentary film about the most spectacular police case in the history of Chile. A group of psychopaths murdered and raped, terrorizing an entire country. The story captures the evolution of a criminal mind that developed and expressed itself during the military government in the 1980s.

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Extreme Faces of Death

1h 10m

Details the history of the death sentence, featuring graphic scenes of executions from across the world. A shocking indictment against capital punishment. State-sponsored murder or justice. More than 26 million people have been executed since 1900. This documentary offers a rare insight into the rights and wrongs of the ultimate act of retribution. It chronicles its use in the 20th century and examines the tools of the executioner's grim trade.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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Sarajevo – The Assassination

1h 18m

In 2014 Europe remembered the outbreak of the First World War. The fateful war, which raged for four years and cost 12 million lives, began a century ago in 1914. The catalyst of the disaster was the murder of the Austrian successor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. This astonishing documentary conveys the dramatic events on the eve of the First World War.

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Apollo 16: The Men, Moon, and Memories

49m 50s

After 25 years the untold human side of the Apollo 16 moon mission is now made available to the public, as the crew members finally reveal their riveting experience. An engaging and definitive documentary looking at this historic mission through the eyes of those who participated in it. Included in this program are interviews with all three astronauts, Commander John Young, Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke, and Command Module Pilot Thomas Mattingly.

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Apollo 16: The Men, Moon, and Memories

49m 50s

After 25 years the untold human side of the Apollo 16 moon mission is now made available to the public, as the crew members finally reveal their riveting experience. An engaging and definitive documentary looking at this historic mission through the eyes of those who participated in it. Included in this program are interviews with all three astronauts, Commander John Young, Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke, and Command Module Pilot Thomas Mattingly.

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Paddle to the Ocean

1h 00m

Release April 2013. “Musician Zac Crouse begins his 82-day sea kayak journey from the Ottawa Valley back home to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Crouse paddles through class IV rapids and tidal bores, down four major rivers and across the Bay of Fundy while touring his new solo album. Zac will be filming Paddle to the Ocean with the help of professional white-water kayaker/documentary film-maker Kelsey Thompson and under the guidance of established Juno-nominated film producer Aram Kouyoumdjian.

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Time Capsule 69

45m 47s

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of many extraordinary events that occurred in 1969, a polarizing year that changed the world forever. To commemorate the iconic year, Sabbatical Entertainment presents Time Capsule ’69. We travel to the past to witness how history was transformed and relive unforgettable events such as Woodstock Festival, The Beatles last performance, Pelé's 1,000th goal, as well as the first man to set foot on the moon.

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