Results for «documentaire»

Les derniers traqueurs australiens

50m 32s

Trackers have been around for centuries and when the police realized that it would be interesting to put them to use in tracking escaped and missing persons, Australia was still a British penal colony. Featured in this film will be some of the last great trackers of the outback. We will bring their most dramatic stories to life by recreating their gripping adventures deep in the unknown corners of the Australian Outback, in search of the soon-to-be lost Aboriginal art of the tracker.

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Wandering Angels

52m 01s

Today, like little Moussa, thousands of vagrant children are roaming the streets of Dakar. The majority of them are little children who have escaped from their daara (Koranic boarding school), after suffering from mistreatment.

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Solar Power - Dream or reality?

51m 02s

First developed in the 1950s by NASA for space exploration, solar energy was never really considered as a reliable source of energy for widespread use because of its high cost and limited output. But today, thanks to major cost reductions, advance in technology, and rise in oil prices, solar power has become a serious energy option for the future. But how can we apply it to our modern world in the most sensible way?

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Energie Solaire : Illusion ou Réalité ? (2ème partie - L'Afrique)

51m 02s

First developed in the 1950s by NASA for space exploration, solar energy was never really considered as a reliable source of energy for widespread use because of its high cost and limited output. But today, thanks to major cost reductions, advance in technology, and rise in oil prices, solar power has become a serious energy option for the future. But how can we apply it to our modern world in the most sensible way?

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Between Sky and Earth - When hip hop becomes art

53m 25s

Hip hop dance first began in the streets when dancers attracted passing audiences with their acrobatic moves and turned hip hop into a worldwide cultural phenomenon. Yet, all over the world, hip hop crews are still largely ignored by the official art scene and denied opportunites to perform on national stages – except perhaps in France.

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Entre ciel et terre, quand le hip hop devient art

53m 25s

Hip hop dance first began in the streets when dancers attracted passing audiences with their acrobatic moves and turned hip hop into a worldwide cultural phenomenon. Yet, all over the world, hip hop crews are still largely ignored by the official art scene and denied opportunites to perform on national stages – except perhaps in France.

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Imminent Threat

57m 40s

Academy Award nominee James Cromwell presents a documentary on the War on Terror’s impact on civil liberties. For the past 15 years, the phrase ‘War on Terror’ has been used to justify everything from mass surveillance and spying to the use of drones to kill suspected terrorists without evidence or trial.

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