Results for «dictature»

The Resistance - The fight of the Venezuelan exiles

54m 57s

François-Xavier Freland, a former correspondent in Venezuela, has not been allowed back into the country since the end of 2016. He met six opponents of Nicolas Maduro’s regime who are living in exile in Europe and Colombia. Political figures, a journalist, an activist in the Resistencia protest movement, a student who suffered brutal oppression, an artist … Their testimonies portray the authoritarianism and the violence of the regime established since 2013 by Hugo Chávez’s successor.

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The Resistance - The fight of the Venezuelan exiles

54m 57s

François-Xavier Freland, a former correspondent in Venezuela, has not been allowed back into the country since the end of 2016. He met six opponents of Nicolas Maduro’s regime who are living in exile in Europe and Colombia. Political figures, a journalist, an activist in the Resistencia protest movement, a student who suffered brutal oppression, an artist … Their testimonies portray the authoritarianism and the violence of the regime established since 2013 by Hugo Chávez’s successor.

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