Results for «clear night sky»

The Borderless Sky - Into the Darkest Night in Scandinavia

52m 15s

The darkest night of Scandinavia – In Europe, the special challenge is to find a clear night sky without light pollution. The journey takes us to the far north of Scandinavia. The astrofotographer arrives at Europe’s largest dugout dune, Rabjerg Mile, and finally to the Polar region, where spectacular northern lights complement the view of a starry sky – as our ancestors had experienced thousands of years ago.

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The Borderless Sky - Into the Darkest Night in Scandinavia

52m 15s

The darkest night of Scandinavia – In Europe, the special challenge is to find a clear night sky without light pollution. The journey takes us to the far north of Scandinavia. The astrofotographer arrives at Europe’s largest dugout dune, Rabjerg Mile, and finally to the Polar region, where spectacular northern lights complement the view of a starry sky – as our ancestors had experienced thousands of years ago.

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Cold War Peacemaker: Story of the Convair B-36

56m 03s

Cold War Peacemaker is the amazing and unique story of the development of the B-36 very-long-long-range nuclear bomber. From its beginnings during WWII, through construction in a former wild-west cattle town and deployment into the Cold War, the story of the Convair B-36 and how it intimidated the Soviet Union is a fascinating study in politics and technology.

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Dog's Night

1h 22m

Enzo works in a residential parking garage that takes a luxury car to hang out and persuades his friend Richard to go with him. But, the car’s owner is a violent mobster that turns their night into a nightmare, even though they just want to have fun.

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Russian Laundering

44m 58s

“Money mules” are people lured on the Internet and forced to launder money for hacker gangs and organized crime. Apparently serious jobs offers which become a nightmare. The documentary follows the money flow from Switzerland to Russia.

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Russian Laundering

44m 58s

“Money mules” are people lured on the Internet and forced to launder money for hacker gangs and organized crime. Apparently serious jobs offers which become a nightmare. The documentary follows the money flow from Switzerland to Russia.

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The Borderless Sky - The Aboriginal Sky of Australia

51m 15s

On the road to the Milky Way – In Australia, we travel with John Goldsmith deep into the West Australian Outback. His photographs show the sky of the southern hemisphere spectacularly in the footsteps of the Aborigines: hours pass by as if in flight, the rising full moon shines bright as the sun, the Milky Way moves as a luminous band over the landscape.

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The Borderless Sky - The Aboriginal Sky of Australia

51m 15s

On the road to the Milky Way – In Australia, we travel with John Goldsmith deep into the West Australian Outback. His photographs show the sky of the southern hemisphere spectacularly in the footsteps of the Aborigines: hours pass by as if in flight, the rising full moon shines bright as the sun, the Milky Way moves as a luminous band over the landscape.

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The Borderless Sky - Glancing at the Universe in Chile

50m 46s

In Chile we accompany the Iranian Babak Tafreshi on a trip to the Atacama Desert. It is considered to be the driest desert on Earth outside the polar regions: the best place in the world to observe the starry sky of the southern hemisphere. Babak is a master of his subject. His pictures show the Milky Way in a breathtaking way, but also the moon and stars seem to dance elegantly over the sky tent in his pictures.

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The Borderless Sky - Glancing at the Universe in Chile

50m 46s

In Chile we accompany the Iranian Babak Tafreshi on a trip to the Atacama Desert. It is considered to be the driest desert on Earth outside the polar regions: the best place in the world to observe the starry sky of the southern hemisphere. Babak is a master of his subject. His pictures show the Milky Way in a breathtaking way, but also the moon and stars seem to dance elegantly over the sky tent in his pictures.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

57m 10s

On the walls of their caves, 17,000 years ago, the men of Cro-Magnon traced the first history of the sky and its stars. If Lascaux, the prehistoric Sistine Chapel, was first and foremost a temple dedicated to the celestial constellations. Crazy? Yet this is the demonstration that Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, an ethnologist and astronomer, attempts. Between a police investigation and an astronomical tale, this film plunges us into the mists of time.

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Haunted 3: Spirits

1h 27m

A continuation of Haunted 2: Appartions. Andrew Robinson the private investigator returns as he looks into the Halloween horror nights phenomenon. On a rural farm in deepest, darkest England he encounters a series of bizarre paranormal events that lead to a mystery being solved with frightening consequences and ultimate finale.

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Haunted 2: Apparitions

1h 20m

Sequel to the 2013 film 'Haunted'. A private investigator looks into the Halloween horror nights phenomenon. On a rural farm in deepest, darkest England he encounters a series of bizarre paranormal events that lead to a mystery being solved with frightening consequences.

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The Coming War on China

1h 52m

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia.

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The Coming War on China

1h 52m

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia.

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The Coming War on China

1h 52m

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia.

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Dream of the future S1 Ep5 - ENERGY

50m 24s

To respond to global demand and population growth, energy production will have to increase by 75% by 2050. The fossil fuels that we currently use on a massive scale are becoming increasingly rare and are highly polluting, wreaking havoc on the climate.

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Teutonic Knights

52m 49s

In 19th century Germany, the Order of the Teutonic Knights had a romantic image and Prussia, their territory, had the allure of the land of heroes. So much so, that Hitler had been tempted to use their “image” as the symbol of national identity; their discipline and fighting spirit as the model for a conquerors’ mentality. But who really were the Teutonic Knights? This docu-drama sheds a new light on the fate of the order in the 13th and 14th century.

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Teutonic Knights

52m 49s

In 19th century Germany, the Order of the Teutonic Knights had a romantic image and Prussia, their territory, had the allure of the land of heroes. So much so, that Hitler had been tempted to use their “image” as the symbol of national identity; their discipline and fighting spirit as the model for a conquerors’ mentality. But who really were the Teutonic Knights? This docu-drama sheds a new light on the fate of the order in the 13th and 14th century.

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Chernobyl, Fukushima: Living with the legacy

51m 59s

30 years after Chernobyl catastrophe, and 5 years after Fukushima, it is time to see what has been happening in the “exclusion zones”, where the radioactivity rate is far above normal. This film will offer a unique access to those territories, which gather millions of people within thousands of km2

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Chernobyl, Fukushima: Living with the legacy

51m 59s

30 years after Chernobyl catastrophe, and 5 years after Fukushima, it is time to see what has been happening in the “exclusion zones”, where the radioactivity rate is far above normal. This film will offer a unique access to those territories, which gather millions of people within thousands of km2

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Richard Hambleton - Shadowman

1h 21m

In the 1980s, Richard Hambleton was the Shadowman, a specter in the night who painted hundreds of startling silhouettes on the walls of lower Manhattan and, along with Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat, sparked the street art movement. At the height of his first commercial and critical success, Hambleton was featured in LIFE magazine and acclaimed at the Venice Biennale.

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The Man Who Rules North Korea

57m 34s

He’s the world’s most enigmatic and dangerous dictator, cultivating an air of secrecy around himself and never giving interviews. Ruler of the hermit kingdom, he’s now closer than ever to developing nuclear weapons. But what do we really know about Supreme Leader and ’Rocket Man’, Kim Jung Un? Posing as tourists, we travelled to Pyongyang to experience life under his autocracy.

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