Results for «Trouble»

Zaki Chan

1h 49m

Trouble follows Zaki wherever he goes, until he finds out that his father's boss needs a bodyguard for his kids and he decides to apply for the job even though he doesn't really fit the requirements.

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Lovely Neighbors

1h 38m

A group of neighbors experience a series of unfortunate events caused by their children, to find themselves in a malaise of complications, but they discover that they have to cooperate in order to get out of trouble.

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Girl Wired

1h 40m

A Preteen computer prodigy, Glory Vinci has invented an advance medical Ray Gun that can read peoples moods. She has been offered a scholarship to a prestigious Graduate Research Program but her guardian Grandfather is in gambling trouble with the mob, and when the nefarious gangsters discover that Gloria's device can read and steal anybody's credit card number they want to get their hands on it.

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Blood Prisme

1h 16m

A successful artist and local art museum coordinator ("Cecilia") hears voices telling her to release 'troubled" individuals from this earth and into the serenity of the afterlife. However, Cecilia meets a man ("Lucas") who just may fill the void in her heart she has been missing her entire life.....the problem being Lucas is a suicidal man. Cecilia struggles between what her heart is telling her and what her voices are telling her about him. A story of love, life, and death.

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